Search Results for elijah

Found 117 Results for elijah
Who Are Elijah and Elisha in the Bible?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

As we examine the lives of Elisha and Elijah in the Bible allow me to share with you some tremendous leadership principles that were evident in their lives and their relationship....

What Is the Difference Between Elijah and Elisha?

Hope Bolinger

Some names in the Bible can trip us up, either because they are unfamiliar, or because they are so similar. It gets trickier still when people in the Bible change their names, like Saul becoming Paul ...

7 Things to Do When God is Silent

Ron Edmondson

Elijah had been used of God to hold back rain from the people for over three years, because of their sins. Obviously, he was not well liked as a preacher. I can imagine the stress he experienced durin...

Refreshment for When You Feel Like Giving Up

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Reached the end of your rope? Good news! You are not alone. Everyone throughout history has felt this way at some point, and the prophet Elijah was no exception. But when he had had enough and was rea...

Was Ahab Truly the Evilest King in Israel's History?

Connor Salter

Ahab was a king of Israel, first mentioned in 1 Kings 16. At this point in history, the nation of Israel had split into two separate countries—one called Israel containing ten tribes and one call...

Why Would God Speak to Elijah - and Us - in a “Still, Small Voice”?

Mike Leake

Shortly after becoming a believer, I found myself in a bit of despair. For quite a few months after becoming a Christian, everything felt incredibly intense. My highs felt higher and my lows felt lowe...

How to Find Strength in the Lord Like Elijah

Michael Jakes

The prophet Elijah was thrown into the grips of a depression that only God was able to bring him out of. Elijah’s experience teaches us several simple, but valuable lessons we all need to remember as ...

Don’t Miss Your Moment

Frank Santora

God’s plans are greater than the dreams you once had for yourself; and they’re greater than even the greatest moment you’ve experienced thus far!...

Steps to Take to Get Our of Your Spiritual Drought

Frank Santora

A spiritual dry spell is a drought, not where there is no physical water, but where there is no living water. And the emptiness or barrenness it causes creates a hole in our hearts that we want to get...

Who Was Baal?

Bethany Verrett

An idol is inanimate. At best, worshipping a false god is worshipping a rock given a personality through human imagination. At worst, it is open rebellion against God by choosing to worship an evil en...

Grow Your Faith in This Season by Slowing Down

Ruth Clemence

Do we find ourselves ever truly slowing down from the many demands of our life, being distracted by endless entertainment, or from the many concerns floating in our minds? Real rest means resting upon...

What Do We Know about the Two Kings Named Ahaziah in the Bible?

Joel Ryan

What do we know about the two kings named Ahaziah in the Bible? Why did neither of their reigns last more than three years?...

What Does the Bible Say about Listening?

Cathy Baker

Listening is not an easy activity, but it's a vital one, and one that God exhorts us to do. Which raises the question, what does the Bible say about listening?...

A Quiet Faith: Does it Have to be Energetic to be Real?

Kirk Abatelli

Does lack of excitement mean that we lack passion for God? Or does lack of enthusiasm mean our passion for Christ is gone? Not at all. Many would define passion today as a barely controllable emotio...

You Can Choose to Turn Your Life Around

Frank Santora

God will give us wisdom and direction to make the right choice, but He doesn’t do the choosing. We are responsible for our choices and therefore our life experience. ...

How Can Christ Help Us Defeat Pessimism?

Frank Santora

“And [Elijah] prayed that he might die, and said, ‘It is enough! Now, LORD, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!’ … So, he said, ‘I have been very zealous for the LORD God of hosts; for t...

Will We Know Each Other in Heaven?

Colin Smith

David knew that he would see his son again in the presence of the Lord, and knowing that he would be reunited with the son he loved brought him comfort in his bereavement....

Why Are There 400 Years of Silence in the Bible?

Mike Leake

I do not believe that these years of silence are like a spurned lover or an angry parent who chooses silence over communication. The people had rebelled and God was continuing to hand them over to jud...

What Does the Holy Spirit Do?

Dr. Dikkon Eberhart

The Holy Spirit is the present-day advocate of Jesus Christ in our hearts. When Jesus was nearing His trial and crucifixion, He promised his apostles that He would ask God to send them His Holy Spirit...

20 Bible Verses to Help You with Depression

Liz Kanoy

The Burden of DepressionDepression is real … the feelings are real, the pain is real, the burden feels heavy. Depression affects all different kinds of people—people who have enough and people who don...