Search Results for god creator ever*

Found 130 Results for god creator ever*
15 Amazing Attributes of God: What They Mean and Why They Matter

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

What are God’s attributes? When we talk about the attributes of God, we are trying to answer questions like, Who is God, What is God like, and What kind of God is he? An attribute of God is so...

What Does the Bible Say about Abortion?

Tamela Turbeville

As followers of Jesus, our stance should align with God’s. Now, more than ever, our voice should speak truth against the enemy, and the best defense against the world and the enemy is knowing ...

Allow Psalm 8 to Refresh Your Soul Today

Emma Danzey

What is the most exquisite sight you have ever encountered? The Lord painted that sunset or fashioned those mountain peaks. He was the One who made everything. The Great Artist who is behind the creat...

How Do We "Do It All for the Glory of God"?

Meg Bucher

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).Glory is a big concept for a God bigger than we will ever be able to comprehend within the limita...

What Does the Bible Say about Aliens and Extraterrestrial Beings?

Emma Danzey

As believers, it is important to have a viewpoint on what we believe about extraterrestrial beings. Today we will be exploring, what does the Bible say about aliens. ...

3 Ways to Place Jesus above Politics

Becky Beresford

The heartbreaking issues we see before us are crucial, relating to life and death. Injustice and fairness. Health and sickness. Safety and unrest. In reality, these issues have existed ever since the ...

What Does it Mean That God Is Wise?

Aaron Brown

Would you consider yourself wise or a fool? What would other people estimate about you? Scripture speaks plenty about wisdom, and multiple times portrays the wise in direct contrast with the foolish....

5 Incredible Lessons about the Trinity

Emma Danzey

We read throughout the Bible that God is Triune. He is three in one. We can allow this fact about Him to intimidate us, or we can press into the joy, mystery, and reality of how He describes Himself....

The Awe-Inspiring Truth: We Are "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"

Lianna Davis

We often hear Psalm 139:14 referenced when a friend announces a new baby. The miracle of new life is truly incredible, enough so that David says we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." But beyond pre...

Is the “Forever and Ever Amen” Prayer in the Bible?

Andy Lee

"Forever and ever amen" sounds great, but where does the phrase come from?...

How to Overcome a Distorted View of God as a Father

Rachel Britton

As we think about this special relationship with God, we should remember our heavenly Father is not human (Numbers 23:19). “God is spirit” says John 4:24. Yet because God is Spirit, this can make Him ...

What Are the 4 Spiritual Laws that Every Christian Should Know?

Annette Griffin

The term “Four Spiritual Laws” does not appear in Scripture, but the principles do. CRU’s goal was to create an outreach tool that would organize biblically based steps for salvation into a straightfo...

Is Our Life Impacted by Luck?

Ruth Clemence

Believers have the amazing privilege to go directly to the throne of God through Jesus, and ask Him for wisdom and direction. We do not need to cross our fingers and hope for the best, whilst avoiding...

Scripture Tells Us Our Lives Are Precious – Every One of Us

Emma Danzey

If we have Jesus, we have life, today, right now, and in this very moment. No more waiting around for heaven. We look forward to our eternal hope, but we live in the present with fullness of His Spiri...

What Does the Bible Say about Cloning?

Hope Bolinger

Would a clone have a soul? What does a creator think about someone distorting His creation? Contemplating what the Bible says about life's sanctity and the nature of evil goes a long way to helping us...

What Does it Mean in the Bible That God Remembered?

Jessica Brodie

In every instance of God "remembering," we see that it always includes an action. God never forgets His promises or His people — He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, and the creator o...

Who Was Enoch and Why Is He Mentioned in the “Hall of Faith”?

Brad Simon

Enoch did not keep his life of faith private. He boldly announced that God would come to judge the world’s sins (Jude 14-15). Enoch’s faith shone brightly in a world darkened by sin. Through the right...

What Does It Mean That We Are "Image Bearers"?

Ruth Clemence

We are made in the image of God, but because of sin, that image has been distorted. All of us are still image bearers and we need to live with that in mind as we interact with others and love our neig...