Search Results for guilt

Found 137 Results for guilt
What Does the Bible Say about Guilt?

Mike Leake

The popular drummer, Dave Grohl, once referred to guilt as a cancer. “Guilt will confine you, torture you, destroy you as an artist. It’s a black wall. It’s a thief.” The actor Jude Law compared guilt...

The Problem with Guilt-Free Church

Rick Whitter

There is a significant move within the evangelical community to remove the sense of guilt from the lives of people. We don’t want anyone to feel badly about themselves. But we ARE responsible. We have...

4 Steps to Leave the Baggage of Guilt Behind

Frank Santora

Throughout their lives, many of God’s kids carry around a big, heavy, burlap bag called guilt. We pick up this heavy burden of guilt from many different places, don’t we? For example, we pick up the b...

How Does Guilt Fit into Our Christian Life?

Ed Jarrett

All those who have put their faith in the crucified and risen Jesus, and follow him as his disciple, have had their status changed from guilty to not guilty. But, so long as we live in the flesh,...

What Is Iniquity in the Bible?

Penny Noyes

The Oxford Dictionary captures the meaning of iniquity through synonyms like wickedness, immorality, impropriety, vice, evil, sin, crime, heinousness, nefariousness, knavery, obscenity, and ungodlines...

"Who the Son Sets Free Is Free Indeed" - What Does it Mean to Have Freedom in Christ?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Jesus assures us in the book of John that "if the Son sets you free you will be free indeed." But what do these words mean for our everyday lives? As believers, what have we been freed from? And just ...

7 Evangelistic Resolutions for the New Year

Randy Newman

It’s that time of year to remember why you bought that exercise bicycle, what those charts of nutritional information are doing on the backs of food packages, and where you last saw your “Read Through...

How Does the Bible Encourage Believers to Let Go of Shame?

Ashley Hooker

Shame will isolate us from the world and from our God. When we isolate from God, we begin pointing fingers. We want to blame others for the shame we feel. We may even blame God for our less-than-great...

How Do I Prepare My Heart for Advent?

Sarah Frazer

Can I tell you an embarrassing secret? I didn't do one day of Advent readings with my kids last year during the Christmas season. I usually love reading from an Advent book, and unwrapping the Christm...

10 Things That are Not Evangelism

Rhonda Stoppe

Kim had been a believer for a number of years. She often felt the twinge of guilt whenever her pastor brought up evangelism. Since becoming a Christian, Kim knew God wanted her to tell others about th...

Learning to Pray… Again

I suspect that most Christians are burdened by their lack of prayer and the seeming ineffectiveness of prayer. We read “pray without ceasing” and it becomes “guilt without ceasing.”...

How Can We Embrace a Contrite Heart and Spirit?

Stephanie Englehart

When it comes to our sin, is it enough to just say sorry? In Psalm 51:17, David is crying out to God for forgiveness. He says that his sacrifice to God is a "broken and contrite heart." But what exact...

What Kind of Fear Is Good?

Greg Laurie

Today’s culture tells us that each of us is good, deep down inside. It says that anything which stands in the way of our happiness is toxic and must be removed. It says that our behavior is never wron...

How to Be the Bridge : Practical Steps to Racial Reconciliation

Bethany Pyle

Racial reconciliation has been a hot topic in recent years, not just in Christian circles. The phrase itself may evoke a range of emotions in people, but at its heart the practice of racial reconcilia...

How to Defeat the Strongman of Temptation

Frank Santora

Some men are amazingly strong; in fact, their feats seem superhuman! We admire their physical abilities, like 7’9”, 510lb Agnus MacAskill, who could lift a 2,800lb ship anchor to his chest, and could ...

Is Hell a Real Place?

Hope Bolinger

In 2014, a Pew Research Center poll found that twenty-nine percent of Catholics, eleven percent of Evangelical protestants, and 40 percent of mainline Protestants said they didn’t believe in the exist...

What Does Freedom Look Like in the Christian Life?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Since you have encountered the saving grace of Jesus Christ, you are free from the bondage of sin, guilt, and shame. This liberation enables you to embrace the abundant life that God intends for you, ...

6 Keys to Responding when Someone Sins against Us

Sometimes we Christians seem as bad at handling others' failures as we are at overcoming our own. No doubt these two things are related. Scripture gives several principles which should govern our resp...

Why Is Blood So Important in Christianity?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

My prayer is we would even more proclaim the wonder and necessity of the blood of Jesus. Let us declare louder than ever before “O precious is the flow that makes me white as snow, no other fount I kn...

Does the Bible Say to Avoid Sex Before Marriage?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Sex before marriage is nothing new. But what advice does the Bible give us for handling this complicated topic?...