Search Results for is 9-10

Found 4 Results for is 9-10
The Parable of the Sower - Bible Story

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus spoke the Parable of the Sower to teach how important the state of our heart is to receive the Gospel and how our salvation is proved by our choices and actions after hearing the Gospel....

Mary and Martha - Bible Story

Connor Salter

The Bible Story of Mary and Martha comes from Chapter 10 of the Gospel of Luke. Mary and Martha, who are sisters, open their home to Jesus as he travels with his disciples. As Martha hurries to ensure...

A Guide to The Ten Commandments

Annette Griffin

The 10 Commandments were given to the Israel nation through Moses. The nation of Israel was now free from slavery in Egypt and was camped around Mount Sinai when thunder, lightning, a thick cloud, and...

Lazarus Raised from the Dead - Bible Story

Lisa Loraine Baker

The raising of Lazarus or the resurrection of Lazarus, found only in the Gospel of John (John 11:1–44), is a miracle of Jesus in which Jesus brings Lazarus of Bethany back to life four days after his ...