Lisa Loraine Baker
In the ancient world, Capernaum was the place to live if you wanted a life as a merchant. Capernaum existed as a trading village of about 1500 people on the northwestern Galilean seashore to the south...
Candice Lucey
We could mistake Paul’s message and say that our own work (that of good reasoning and thoughtful research of the Bible) will bring us to salvation. But Paul is very clear: we are saved by grace throug...
Dawn Wilson
Discussions about modesty are difficult in a desensitized culture, but church leaders have the responsibility to strategically educate and equip congregations from God’s word concerning immodest cloth...
Bethany Verrett
Several Bible verses, including a parable from Jesus, shows the Bible does assert Sheol was understood before the death and resurrection of Jesus as the afterlife, a place to hold the souls of those w...
Rylie Fine
Lots of people talk about "the gospel message means..." or how to life a "gospel-centered life." But what really is the gospel?...