Search Results for plant

Found 76 Results for plant
The Best Time to Plant a Tree

Maybe this is the year you want to plow some new ground spiritually. ...

A Hard Lesson from Jonah – the Man Who Ran

Frank Santora

“Jonah had gone out and sat down at a place east of the city. There he made himself a shelter, sat in its shade and waited to see what would happen to the city. Then the Lord God provided a leafy plan...

What Is the Wormwood Star That Shows Up in the End Times?

Connor Salter

The wormwood star falls into water sources, and it poisons waters. The Bible specifically starts that a third of the rivers were poisoned, which is interesting since three is an important number that ...

What Is Hyssop and Why Is It so Significant in the Bible?

Heather Adams

Passages about hyssop in the Old Testament are connected to the blood of animal sacrifices. It represents God’s compassion on His people, how He is willing to reach down to save and heal us. Psalm 51 ...

How Does the Bible Say We Should Respond to Bitterness?

Bethany Verrett

As humans, we experience a wide range of emotions, sometimes all in one day. God gets this, and he understands those strong feelings. But when those strong feelings morph into things like hatred, bitt...

How Do We Abide in Christ?

Ruth Clemence

Receiving flowers as a gift is uplifting. The colors, scent, and the thought that went into giving them is a wonderful gesture. The stems are cut, a vase is filled with water and these blooms are care...

10 Lies People Believe about Purity

Dawn Wilson

Growing up, I laughed at comedian Flip Wilson’s excuse for doing wrong: “The Devil made me do it.” It took me years to understand that the Devil couldn’t make me do anything; that was a lie. Yet our ...

Will We Recognize Friends in Heaven?

Will we have personal identity in heaven? And will we recognize family and friends?...

The Importance of Honor in the Christian Life

Frank Santora

Memorial Day is upon us again. It’s the holiday that kicks off summer; we fire up the grill, plant the garden, and pack up the sweaters. But what many people don’t realize is that, in reality, Memoria...

What Does the Bible Have to Say about Weed?

Jessica Brodie

While the Bible doesn’t specifically mention weed, marijuana, or other drugs, God’s word does have plenty to say about the importance of staying in one’s right and sober mind — particularly as the dev...

Do the Creation Stories in Genesis Contradict One Another?

Mike Leake

This claim that the Bible doesn’t contradict itself is often questioned. The discrepancies between the creation accounts of Genesis 1 and 2 cause some to call foul. Do these contradict each other? Can...

How to Biblically Celebrate New Life in the Spring

April Motl

“Daffodils!!! Momma look! Daffodils!” These words have been ringing out loudly in our car the last few weeks from my little three year old son. Last Fall, he and I planted 150 bulbs. I told him we wo...

Beyond Sunday: The Weight of God's Hand

Under terrors of conscience, men have little rest by night, for the grim thoughts of the day dog them to their rooms and haunt their dreams, or else they lie awake in a cold sweat of dread....

What Does the Bible Say about the Harvest?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The first specific mention of harvest is Genesis 8:22, when the Lord God makes the Noahic Covenant and said “seedtime and harvest will never cease” as long as the earth remains. Another covenant, anot...

Are You Suffering from the Jonah Syndrome?

As shocking as it is to see the wickedness of Jonah’s heart, many of us are just like him. I call it the Jonah Syndrome, and in times past, it has affected me too. Let me explain exactly what I mean....

Does Jesus Tell the Rich Young Ruler Only the Poor Can Be Saved?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

What exactly is Jesus saying to this young man? The Bible teaches “blessed are the poor in spirit” (Matthew 5:3), but do we have to be financially poor as well? Surely if this man wanted to follow Jes...

Is “Prepare to Meet Thy God” in the Bible?

Lianna Davis

“Prepare to meet thy God” could be harrowing or comforting words. So what makes the difference?...

5 Ways I Can Pray for My Pastor

Mike Leake

One of the benefits of being a pastor is knowing that so many people are praying for me. I bet your pastor is similar. We truly are blessed by your praying for us, and we need it. ...

Does God Expect Us to Believe in Ourselves?

Frank Santora

It’s not a sin to believe in yourself; it’s an expectation of the Creator God who formed you in His own image and likeness, filled you with His Holy Spirit, and has perfectly equipped you to perform e...

Was There Death in the World Before the Fall?

Ed Jarrett

There's quite a lot of debate about the origin of the world, even among Christians. But whether you hold to an old earth philosophy or believe the earth is rather new, there's one question that still ...