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Found 275 Results for prepared
5 Simple but Powerful Tips to Strengthen Your Faith in Difficult Seasons

Mike Leake

Alex is a college athlete. As a young man, brimming with overconfidence, he decides to trek up a treacherous mountain. He has more arrogance than supplies. When he gets halfway up the mountain reality...

Keep an Eye Out for These Signs of a False Prophet

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

False prophets have been around honestly since the very beginning. You could say that the first false prophet appeared in the Garden of Eden with the serpent’s lie to Adam and Eve. The truth of the ma...

Did a Census Really Bring Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem?

When others cast doubt on the historical accuracy of Bible events, such as the census mentioned in Luke 2, be prepared....

Let's Talk: 5 Things Christians Need to Understand about Suicide

Carley Marcouillier

Suicide is a word that often makes people feel uncomfortable for several reasons. For some, it triggers past pain or current fears, while for others, it provokes judgment, concern, and lack of underst...

Did God Create Hell?

Mike Leake

Hell is a place of separation from the goodness of God, and all the good which He has created. How could we say that God could create such an awful place? We begin to answer this question when we cons...

Has God Prepared a Place in Heaven for My Dog?

Alicia Searl

Knowing that God has a plan and purpose for every living thing and the animals He brings into our lives should bring comfort....

5 Lessons from the Parable of the 10 Virgins

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The parable of the 10 virgins is a wake-up call. First to those who don’t know Jesus, but it goes beyond that. The unprepared virgins in the story had lamps. ...

What Does It Mean to Be Sanctified?

Bethany Verrett

Salvation is the beginning of the Christian life. After a person turns from their sins, and accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior, they have now entered into a new adventure and a Spirit-filled existen...

10 Scriptures You Need to Know about Wisdom

Sarah Coleman

If the Internet has given the world something, it is an abundance of the ridiculous. There is no shortage of grumpy cats, dancing babies, and fake news. Foolishness is glorified. Yet the world still ...

A Warning to the Spiritually Idle and Lazy

Kristi Walker

We all try to work hard, but we're human and sometimes we need a break. But when that break melts into laziness, particularly spiritual laziness, problems can arise. Does God care about idleness, and ...

The 25 Best Verses to Read This Advent

Candace Crabtree

This is Advent. We celebrate a coming. We celebrate an arrival. The arrival of a baby boy born in a stable. A baby, yet a king. The arrival of new life to a young, bewildered couple. The arrival of ne...

How to Answer the 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity

Alex McFarland

Editor's Note: The following is a report on the practical applications of Alex McFarland's book, The 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity (Regal Books). People in ...

3 Lessons Simeon and Anna Have for Us at Christmas

Brad Simon

In the heart of Jerusalem, the temple stood as a sacred sentinel against the Judean sky. Its towering pillars bore witness to generations of worshipers who ascended the temple steps. The sun-filled co...

Lean into God’s Sovereignty When Life Is Hard

Frank Santora

“Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ Jesus answered, ‘Neither this...

How Caleb’s Journey of Faith Encourages Us Today

Brad Simon

Caleb left an inheritance of a godly example for us to emulate. Despite what happened to him, he remained loyal to the Lord. While everyone around him doubted, he looked to God for his strength to go ...

Why Did John the Baptist Say 'He Must Become Greater' about Jesus?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

“He must become greater; I must become less” is a powerful and compelling declaration made by John the Baptist, quoted in John 3:30 NIV...

What Should Christians Know about the Locusts in Revelation?

Britt Mooney

What should we know about the locusts in Revelation?...

Bad Excuses, Beautiful Opportunities in the Parable of the Great Banquet

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

While visiting the home of rich Pharisee, Jesus comments that when the man throws a banquet, he should invite only the poor and needy. In this way, he will be blessed. To explain further, Jesus tells ...