Search Results for psalms 66

Found 15 Results for psalms 66
What Is the Chronological Order of the 66 Books of the Bible?

Jessica Brodie

The Bible is indeed a well-organized collection of writings penned by more than two dozen authors spanning thousands of years. Instead of being organized chronologically, it is organized by literary g...

Why Does Isaiah 66:13 Say 'As a Mother Comforts Her Child, So Will I Comfort You'?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

What can we learn from God saying, "as a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you" in the Bible?...

10 Psalms for Comfort to Read Right Now

Heather Adams

In His goodness, God wants to ease our disappointments, allay our fears and soften our grief. And one of the ways He does that is through Scripture. The book of Psalms in particular shows us God’s hea...

5 Ways to Anchor Your Soul in Scripture When Life Feels Crazy

Paula Rinehart

You might wish—as I do—that you could carve out the space to immerse yourself in hours of Bible study. And sometimes we can. The irony is that when life gets tough and you feel overwhelm...

Who Wrote the Bible?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The Bible is the Word of God written for His people, spanning 66 books in the Old and New Testament combined. It is the best selling book of all time with over 50 billion copies sold and distributed. ...

What Is the Doxology and Why Do We Sing It?

Jessica Brodie

In essence, a doxology is a praise song, usually a very specific one that is meant to express full, unadulterated, complete, and perfect worship and adoration for the Lord God Almighty....

What Is the Refiner's Fire in Malachi?

Pamela Palmer

In the book of Malachi, we find the passage that mentions a refiner’s fire. “But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a laundere...

What Is Quiet Time?

Linda Lyle

While peace and quiet calms us physically, we also need quiet time with God to restore us spiritually....

The Beginner's Guide to Reading the Bible

Donna Jones

Scores of people feel overwhelmed when it comes to reading the Bible. Maybe you’re shaking your head in agreement, thinking, Yes. That’s me....

Dark Sayings and Riddles in the Bible

When we come to the end of the Old Testament, we have no answer to the question of how all these things will be resolved. The resolution is brought about by means of the greatest plot twist in the his...

50 Bible Verses and Quotes for Shrove Tuesday

G. Connor Salter

May these Bible verses and quotes about noted Christian thinkers give you encouragement and something to think about this Shrove Tuesday....

What Is “Fervent Prayer” and How Can We Pray Fervently?

Bethany Verrett

Fervent prayer is that model of passionate and sincere calling out to God, whether out of thankfulness, repentance, or need. Understanding the way that word was used, how it is translated in other ver...

Sunday School Lesson: Life Lessons from the Book of Esther

Esther is the best “textbook" of the Scriptures about the providence of God, and how He works in the perfect way and the perfect timing to accomplish His purposes....

10 Tips for Building Faithful Habits

Lisa Loraine Baker

Have you decided to begin or renew a particular Christian habit? Proverbs 4:7 tells us wisdom is the skillful application of knowledge. There is a moral component to it as well. Know who you are befor...

Why Were People Shocked by the ‘I Am’ Statements Jesus Made?

Betty Dunn

Jesus said many things, so what makes his "I am" statements so surprising?...