Search Results for thanksgiving

Found 33 Results for thanksgiving

A fourth-grader stood up in his public school class, giving a report concerning the origins of the Thanksgiving holiday. Here’s how he began:...


A grandmother was showing her grandchildren one of those pictures of a Pilgrim family going to church on Thanksgiving Day. Thinking she might make a point, she said, “The Pilgrim children really enjoy...

Sermon Illustration: Thanksgiving

Melodie Beattie, a noted self-help author, often stresses the importance of gratitude. ...


One Thanksgiving season a family was seated around their table, looking at the annual holiday bird. From the oldest to the youngest, they were to express their praise. When they came to the 5-year-old...


Thanksgiving by way of daily thanks-living demands that we pray, yes; but it also demands that we "unload" our prayers at the doorsteps of those who are hungry, lonely and just plain without....

Thanksgiving Service

A church had gathered to pray for a needy family around Thanksgiving. The family needed food and concerned folks from the church got together to pray for them. While the prayer meeting was going on, a...


"I recall, as a little barefoot boy with a cowlick of snow-white hair on my forehead, standing erect in my classroom and repeating the "Pledge of Allegiance" one Thanksgiving season. Our nation was at...

Illustration: Thanksgiving, Theft

Theft, confession and deceit at Thanksgiving....

Illustration: Thanksgiving Blessing

Children are incredibly honest about that which they are thankful...and more so about that which they are not....


Many regard the Taj Mahal as the most beautiful building ever constructed. Most visitors to India want to see it above all other sights. It was built by Shah Jehan as both a mausoleum and also a monum...


Just about a year before he succumbed to cancer, Tony Snow, former political pundit, speech writer and White House press secretary, said the following to the 2007 graduating class at the Catholic Univ...


There once was a poor, rural family who were greatly concerned because their little boy had not started talking. The family didn’t have many resources to call upon, so the problem went on for a long t...

Children and Thanksgiving

An elderly man in Phoenix calls his son in New York and says, "I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; 45 years of misery is enough." "Pop, what are you t...


Have you read the story about the teacher who asked her pupils what they thought the Seven Wonders of the World were for today? ...

Illustration: Thanksgiving Prayer

A prayer of thanks to be given daily....

Illustration: Thanksgiving

A minister's wife and worship leader used to lead the congregation in that old song, "Count Your Blessings." When the congregation got to the part where it would sing, "Count your blessings, name them...

Illustration: Thanksgiving

King David was an enormous benefactor for the first temple, always remembering his wealth came from the hand of God, to whom it should be returned....

Things to do with Thanksgiving Leftovers

What to do if you're tired of leftover turkey and the trimmings, turkey sandwiches, turkey salad sandwiches, turkey gumbo ......


Charles Dickens once visited America and gave some lectures across the country. He told one audience that we here in this country are a bit mixed up. He said we should not have one Thanksgiving Day, b...