Search Results for "no one"

Found 153 Results for "no one"

"No one keeps up his enthusiasm automatically. Enthusiasm must be nourished with new actions, new aspirations, new efforts, new vision. It is one's own fault if his enthusiasm is gone. He has failed t...


It has been reported that the Emperor Caligula would write out his decrees in very small letters and post them so high that no one could read them. Still, he enjoyed punishing offenders for breaking t...


Students get interesting advice from speakers at graduation ceremonies. Former NBC anchor, Tom Brokaw, said this to 2005 graduates from Emory University: "Here is a secret that no one has told you: Re...


"Only those who love the Church," Wallace M. Alston, Jr. of Princeton, NJ's Nassau Presbyterian Church observed, "and believe in that for which it stands can be expected to support it with their stewa...


Before you make too many excuses based on your having gotten a poor start in life consider the study made by Victor and Mildred Goertzel. They studied the backgrounds of hundreds of highly successful ...

Courage - Fear

No one could say that George Smith didn't have courage. A daring jet test pilot in the 1950's, back when the sound barrier was first being broken, he could face anything - until he had to bail out of ...

Hidden God

A teacher asked her group of 1st graders to draw something on their papers - whatever they wished. The teacher came around and saw little Frankie and he was busy at work. She said, "What are you...


According to the People’s Almanac, there was a shower of several thousand rubles that fell in the Gorki region of Russia in 1940. No one has ever been able to completely explain the phenomena. One p...

Respect / Reverence

In London's Westminster Abbey, many great men and women are buried in the floor of the church. Visitors walk over their tombs without hesitation...all but one. There is one tomb that no one walks ov...

Instruction Of Children

In ancient China, the people desired security from the barbaric hordes to the north; so they built the great Chinese wall. It was so high they knew no one could climb over it and so thick that nothing...

Fighting the Battle for Integrity

You want to shock the world? Start here--demonstrating the guts to do what's right when no one is looking....


Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, made the newspapers recently and it wasn't even Groundhog Day. Did you read about Donald Wyman? He was by himself in the woods when he was pinned down by a falling tree. Th...


A list of the perk of being over fifty has been making the rounds. Here are a few of them: 1. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first. 2. No one expects you to run -- anywhere. ...


In the book Significa, the authors tell of two men who decided to see the world backwards. It was 1930 when James B. Hargis and Charles Creighton drove their Ford roadster backwards from New York City...


Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, made the newspapers recently and it wasn't even Groundhog Day. Did you read about Donald Wyman? He was by himself in the woods when he was pinned down by a falling ...


Two frogs fell into a can of cream - or so I've been told.The sides of the can were shiny and steep,The cream was deep and cold,"Oh, what's the use?" said No. 1,"tis fate - no help's around - Good-bye...


In Charles Schultz's famous Peanuts comic strip the little dog Snoopy is recalling the past. "I remember those summer evenings years ago at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm. We used to sit around and sing wh...


One of the mysteries of medicine concerns the epidemic of influenza that swept around the world in 1918. Called "Spanish influenza," the disease suddenly began in March of 1918 and ended just as sudde...


Reporters have come up with a new term to describe the lack of reaction to disasters. They call it compassion fatigue. We are constantly inundated with stories of human distress: famine, genocide, and...


If you visit the Four Corners where Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado meet, you can see the architectural remains of a mysterious people who lived there more than a thousand years ago. Little is ...