Search Results for all praise

Found 36 Results for all praise
Illustration: Praise

God inhabits the praise of His people, which a a truth that becomes all the more clear the more you offer praise....


Take a Moment to Listen. Take a moment to listen today - To what your children are trying to say; - Listen today, whatever you do - Or they won't be there to listen to you. - Or they won't be there...


SingingWe Sing, and Sing, and Sing!!! Only that you might see and relate to yourself as the message implies….The singing of a hymn should be a great experience for us - it can be a testimony, p...

Humility And Accountability

Corrie Ten Boom once observed, "You just collect roses, the praise and compliments, during the day; you hold them, put them together in a bouquet, then at the end of the day, you get on your knees and...

Family Worship

In the book Give Praise to God, J. Ligon Duncan III and Terry L. Johnson write, "If your children are in your home for eighteen years, you have 5,630 occasions (figuring a six-day week) for family wo...

Illustration: Thanksgiving

King David was an enormous benefactor for the first temple, always remembering his wealth came from the hand of God, to whom it should be returned....


One Thanksgiving season a family was seated around their table, looking at the annual holiday bird. From the oldest to the youngest, they were to express their praise. When they came to the 5-year-old...

Third Sunday of Advent (B): The True Meaning of Christmas

Santa Claus, sleigh bells, reindeer. Snow falling, icicles forming, Christmas music playing. Christmas lights, Christmas trees, Christmas presents. Shopping, planning, cooking, eating, visiting with f...


Perhaps one of the hardest aspects of the Christian faith to understand is the Incarnation. How can Jesus be fully divine and fully human? There is nothing else like this in all the universe-infini...

Illustration: Christmas, Incarnation

The greatest gift ever given was bestowed on the very first Christmas, but we all too often are a loss for what to do with such a treasure....

Illustration: Christmas—He Deserves Our Best

Christmas makes us all shine a little brighter, giving our best for the Savior who gave His all....

Unity, Worship

In the book, The Pursuit of God, A.W. Tozer gives this interesting illustration: "Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other?...


Dianne Odell, of Jackson, Tennessee, has lived an extraordinary life. Her story received nationwide attention when reported by Bill Poovey of the Associated Press. The story reveals a woman of remarka...


Dianne Odell, of Jackson, Tennessee, has lived an extraordinary life. Her story received nationwide attention when reported by Bill Poovey of the Associated Press. The story reveals a woman of remarka...


"I recall, as a little barefoot boy with a cowlick of snow-white hair on my forehead, standing erect in my classroom and repeating the "Pledge of Allegiance" one Thanksgiving season. Our nation was at...


One day the great Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo happened to overhear a group of people admiring his Pietà, a statue of Christ on His mother's knees after His death on the cross. One man attr...

7 Things We Regularly Get Wrong about Worship

Joe McKeever

Listen as the congregation files out of the sanctuary on Sunday, and you'll hear the common refrain: "I didn't get anything out of ___ [fill-in-the-blank] ___."...

Preaching the Psalms as Stories

I had an epiphany while listening to Johnny Cash that transformed the way I preached the Psalms. ...