Search Results for not our home

Found 119 Results for not our home

Years ago in a small Tennessee city there lived a man who did not believe in banks. Word got around, and one day he was robbed. The culprit was caught and put on trial. The defense attorney tried to p...

Compassion and Service

Charles Swindoll wrote, "Who really cared? His was a routine admission to busy Bellevue Hospital. A charity case, one among hundreds. A drunken bum from the Bowery with a slashed throat. The Bowery … ...

The Power of the Big Idea

What did you learn in church today? How is it possible that so many people, young and old, can respond with nothing but silence to such a simple question after spending an entire Sunday morning in chu...

Illustration: Excellence, Commitment, Work

The difference in the two approaches is the difference between working man's way and working God's way; working in light of the end of the day versus working in light of the end of life; working for i...


A woman confessed that she struggled with envy of her affluent sister, but she was able to put it into proper perspective after one visit. She and her son were visiting the sister in Dallas, where the...

Preaching the Psalms as Stories

I had an epiphany while listening to Johnny Cash that transformed the way I preached the Psalms. ...

Using Humor in the Pulpit

It is not necessary, on a Sunday morning, to become a comedian for Christ. Yet neither is there a scriptural reference that claims blessed are the bored....


A few summers ago two Britishers ran 2,027 miles along the length of the 14 highest mountains in the world. In the process they climbed a whopping 290,000 feet and traversed 64 mountain passes. The Hi...

No Longer Witnesses

Today, in an effort to be sophisticated and contemporary, many Christians have stopped trying to persuade others to follow Jesus Christ. I, too, have been guilty of this. When we lived in Mexico City,...

Letter From Summer Camp

Dear Mom, Scoutmaster Webb told us to write our parents in case you heard about the flood and got worried. ...

Death, Hope & Heaven

Here's an illustration from based on the third installment in The Lord of the Rings trilogy: The Return of the King. The Big Idea: The hope of heaven is the death of fear. Scene Setu...


A few years ago as the world watched the beginning game of the World Series in San Francisco their was suddenly an interruption of the opening interview. The screen blinked and went blank. When the pr...