Search Results for ephesians 6:12

Found 42 Results for ephesians 6:12
What Is the Mystery of Iniquity in the Bible?

Britt Mooney

How is iniquity a mystery? And what does God reveal to us about iniquity?...

Why Was Lucifer, Satan, Banished to Hell?

Dolores Smyth

Satan’s pride was the first sin committed in the universe, and humanity has been on notice ever since that pride goeth before the fall. Arguably, all sins are rooted in pride if we consider that sin i...

Be Alert to the Temptation of These Seducing Spirits

Frank Santora

Even though we are living in extremely dark times, keep in mind that darkness is the most advantageous condition for light to shine brightly. So, to borrow an age-old axiom, these may be the wors...

7 Important Things to Know about Circumcision in the Bible

Jessica Van Roekel

The state of our hearts before the Lord is vital to our relationship with him, which is why we must cut away anything that hinders us from loving him with our whole heart. ...

12 Verses to Kick-Start the New Year

Bethany Verrett

A New Year is almost upon us! As everyone starts to think of resolutions and ways to start a "New Year, New Me" plan, take a moment to turn to Scripture for inspiration. These 12 verses will encourage...

A Biblical Guide for Praying over Your Marriage

Liz Auld

This is why we must pray for our marriage through changing circumstances, our commitment is to love our spouse in good times and bad just as God loves us. We should pray for our marriage when things a...

15 Things You Need to Know about the Antichrist and His Rise to Power

Ron Rhodes

Revelation pictures the antichrist as a beast 32 times. The image points to the brutal, bloody, uncontrolled, and wild character of this diabolical dictator....

Will Obedience to God Restrict My Life?

Ruth Clemence

For some believers, it may be hard to be obedient when we are aware of our weaknesses or find it a challenge to obey God in a culture that finds Him irrelevant, non-existent or false. Is obedience to ...

Does Prayer Change Things?

Heather Adams

God certainly doesn’t need us to pray in order to accomplish His plans. He already has all the strength and might He needs. And yet He calls us to do it, as Paul wrote, “at all times.” That’s because ...

Who or What Are the Ophanim, “the Wheels,” in the Bible?

Annette Griffin

The Ophanim described in Ezekiel’s vision are impossible to define apart from the full scope of the revelation. In Ezekiel 1 we find a young priest on the precipice of his new calling....

Connecting the Bible with Real Life

On difficult or "modern" issues, we often treat the Bible as irrelevant. But there are answers in God's Word to even the toughest problems....

How Does the Bible Caution Us about Toxic People?

Heather Adams

God’s Word gives us examples of those who not only disregarded His Ways, but openly tried to turn others against Him. Some were willing to repent and become aligned again with the Lord, but others stu...

Get Back, Satan! 5 Tips for Using Scripture as Defense

Alicia Purdy

Battles hit us in many forms. You feel helpless, hopeless, despairing, angry, hurt, anxious, and worse. What do you do now? Here are 5 ways to fight the good fight. ...

Why Would Jesus Call a Zealot to Be His Disciple?

Joel Ryan

In the first century, the Zealots were a notorious sect of Jewish patriots who sought to overthrow the Roman occupation of Palestine through violence, terror, and political intimidation, often resorti...

What Does the Bible Really Say about Drunkenness?

Bethany Verrett

The Bible does feature wine throughout, and even the book of Revelation speaks about the new wine of heaven. However, earthly wine and other alcoholic drinks can lead to sinful behavior because it low...

What Can Christians Today Learn from the Miraculous Healing of the Soldier’s Ear?

Britt Mooney

Amidst the drama the night Jesus was arrested for execution, leading to the cross, the Son of God takes a moment to heal a soldier’s ear. Why did Jesus heal the soldier? What can we learn from this to...

Who Was Deborah in the Bible and Why Was She So Important?

Rhonda Stoppe

Before Israel had kings to rule over them, God appointed judges and prophets to speak to the people on His behalf. When the judge was a godly influence, he would lead Israel to repentance and victor...

50 Bible Verses and Quotes for Shrove Tuesday

G. Connor Salter

May these Bible verses and quotes about noted Christian thinkers give you encouragement and something to think about this Shrove Tuesday....

Thy Kingdom Come: The Prayer that Changes the World

The Lord’s Prayer can be rote, or it can become a divine force unleashing God’s glorious blessing. How is “Thy kingdom come” a prayer that literally changes the world? Pray then like this: “Our Fat...

Spiritual Warfare: Understanding Satan's Strategies 

Tonilee Adamson | Bobbye Brooks

The more we learn the truths concerning spiritual warfare, the more prepared we can be to fight and to be victorious. In furthering our knowledge of spiritual warfare, this lesson addresses the strate...