Search Results for humble

Found 330 Results for humble
What Does it Mean to Fear God?

Mark Altrogge

In what sense are we to fear God? The “fear” that brings God pleasure is not our being afraid of him, but our having a high and exalted, reverential view of him....

10 Ways to Serve and Be Yourself in the Church

Cindi McMenamin

“I want to serve at my new church but I’m not sure I’m the kind of person they’re looking for,” a smart and talented, yet humble young woman told me as we shared a meal together. When I asked “What k...

Time For a Check Up of the Heart

Mark Altrogge

When the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us, he changes our hearts and minds. He gives us the mind of Christ (Php 2:5). And we are to cooperate with him by actively transforming our minds and thinking b...

Why Will the Meek Inherit the Earth?

Heather Adams

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5).Jesus spoke this familiar verse on a hillside near the town of Capernaum. It is one of the Beatitudes, a group of instructions the...

Are You Concerned about Your Future?

Do you know that what concerns you is of the utmost concern to God? If you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, every need, every trial, every temptation that touches you, touches God, because you are par...

Does the Verse "If My People Who Are Called by My Name" Apply to the World Today?

Bethany Verrett

In uncertain times like the coronavirus pandemic, it's expected that God's people will turn to His Word for comfort. But some verses, like 2 Chronicles 7:14, can be confusing without looking at the cu...

Why Do We "Have Not Because We Ask Not"?

Blair Parke

If you have spent any amount of time in your life praying, you likely know that not all prayers get instantly, or ever, fulfilled. But in Scripture, James tells us that we have not because we ask not....

What Does the Bible Say about Prayer?

Lisa Brown

Too many times we try to do things in our own strength and we burn out. We can tire easily and isolate ourselves from others and God. Prayer is a necessity to keep us from temptation. Jesus tells His ...

A Prayer to Say before Taking Communion

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

You can rejoice when taking communion because your forgiveness, your redemption, your eternal life is all because of the great sacrifice Jesus made for you. Don’t let communion just be a solemn moment...

What Is So Dangerous about Self-Righteousness?

Blair Parke

Instead of believing your salvation came through your own works or because you are “better” than someone else, an attitude of humility reminds you that you were once a lost sinner like people around y...

5 Powerful Tips to Overcome the Fear of Praying in Front of Others

Jessica Brodie

What if I do it wrong? What if I offend God or look like an idiot? First, it’s important to know that praying in public is not a requirement for any Christian. Jesus warned that we shouldn’t pray in a...

Leaders Who Belong to the Order of the Towel Model True Leadership

Dr. Bill Lawrence

One of the greatest needs in the church is true servant leadership born of love and done according to our ultimate Example....

Are You Ready to Embrace These 4 Truths to Bring Revival to the Land?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

I was sitting in church recently and during the worship they sang a song that talked about cities in revival and salvation flooding the streets. Thinking about the possibility of many people getting s...

Can God Actually Lead Us into Temptation?

Britt Mooney

A question naturally follows. Does God actually lead us into temptation? That seems opposite of a good God who cares about us. It makes us uncomfortable....

16 Holy Week Prayers to Remind Us of the Beauty of the Cross

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

A holy week prayer is a practice Christians find helpful to focus our thoughts and prepare our hearts during the time we mark the most pivotal events of our faith. ...

What Does the Bible Say about Pride?

Meg Bucher

“I’m proud of you.” It’s a notion we dish out and long to hear daily. But when is it sin? The Bible is clear that it’s ok to encourage and admonish each other and ...

What Is the Book of Amos All About?

Brad Simon

Chosen by God to deliver a powerful message to Israel, Amos is neither trained as a prophet nor the son of a prophet. A devout man with a heart full of faith, Amos embraced his role as a messenger of ...

Does Prayer Change Things?

Heather Adams

God certainly doesn’t need us to pray in order to accomplish His plans. He already has all the strength and might He needs. And yet He calls us to do it, as Paul wrote, “at all times.” That’s because ...

4 Powerful Prayers to Protect Your Marriage from Divorce

Gina Smith

As believers, it does not matter who we are, what we do for a living, or how long we have been a Christian; none of us are immune to the enemy's vicious attacks in our lives or marriages. Satan is on ...