Search Results for jeremiah 27

Found 95 Results for jeremiah 27
What Is the Difference Between the Pharisees and the Sadducees?

Bethany Verrett

Jesus’ message conflicted with both approaches. The Pharisees and Sadducees were important figures rising to prominence in Israel after the return from exile through the first century, but Jesus’ impo...

How Can the Church Support Foster Families?

Sheila Alewine

Foster parents care for children who may or may not be orphans. Foster care is designed to be temporary, a time of separation so that the parent(s) can get needed help. The goal is always for a family...

What Is the Significance of the Tabernacle Furnishings?

Ed Jarrett

The author of Hebrews tells us that the sacrifices, especially the sacrifice of atonement, pointed to what Jesus did on the cross. He became the High Priest taking the blood of the sin offering into t...

6 Powerful Steps toward Truly Forgiving Someone

Anne Peterson

Looking to forgive someone and get free of bitterness and pain? Here are six biblical steps toward true forgiveness....

What Is Apostasy and How Can We Combat It?

Kyle Blevins

We don't hear the term “apostasy” much anymore. The term describes something the Bible takes very seriously, which may be happening where we least expect it....

What Is the Mystery of Iniquity in the Bible?

Britt Mooney

How is iniquity a mystery? And what does God reveal to us about iniquity?...

10 Verses to Guide Our Reflection on the Painful Events of 9/11

Lynette Kittle

It’s the anniversary again of 9/11. A day marked by shock, terror, sorrow, and tremendous loss, where we remember the devastating terrorist attacks against America that deeply impacted our nat...

What Does it Truly Mean to Be a Child of God?

Britt Mooney

What does it mean to be called children of God?  The exploration of these questions is life-changing for us, too. ...

What Was Jesus' First Miracle?

Bethany Verrett

The Bible compares the relationship between Christ and the church as that of a groom and his bride, and one day He will drink wine with His bride in Heaven, making it special that His first miracle wa...

How Should Christians Live in a World that’s Not Our Home?

Annette Griffin

How can Christians live ‘in the world’ but not be ‘of the world? Viewing the treacherous condition of this world from God’s perspective can be overwhelming. Here’s the good news: that bad news is...

How to Have a Truly Blessed Life

Frank Santora

Until about 20 years ago, no one really knew who Jabez was. For millennia, his name and story have remained tucked away in the pages of one of the least read chapters of the Bible. But as obscure as J...

Is the Presence of God Still There, Even if You Can't Feel It?

Tessa Emily Hall

And yet, those of us who are in Christ have sensed the presence of God with us and have witnessed His hand at work. ...

What Is Theology & Why Is it Important?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Theology is studying God. Christian theology is knowing God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Theology is “the queen of the sciences.” This was not only the opinion of the great Middle Ages scholar, Thom...

How Knowing Jesus Destroys Anxiety

Somehow we think we still have the power to mess things up. But God's care is not theoretical. It is intensely practical....

Work and Leisure

Keeping the Sabbath holy may not seem very productive, but there's more here than just a command. It reveals God's mercy....