Search Results for job 3

Found 380 Results for job 3
Don't Waste Your Cancer

There are many other ways to waste your cancer. I am praying for myself and for you that we will not waste this pain....

What to Do to Hear "Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant"

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

In Matthew 25:23, Jesus tells a parable that ends with the phrase "well done, good and faithful servant!" But this phrase is more than just a hearty pat on the back. So just what makes this phrase so ...

Is There an Expectation of Eternal Life in the Old Testament?

Randy Alcorn

The New Testament reflects much more specific revelation from God of the afterlife. Yet there are some strong Old Testament indicators, though not nearly as many....

Jeremiah: Answering the Call

Everyone who believes in Christ has a special calling to a particular sphere of obedience and ministry. Jeremiah was not just set apart for salvation, he was set apart for vocation. God had work for h...

Why Did John the Baptist Say 'He Must Become Greater' about Jesus?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

“He must become greater; I must become less” is a powerful and compelling declaration made by John the Baptist, quoted in John 3:30 NIV...

Why Does the Way that Seems Right to Man Always Lead to Destruction?

Betty Dunn

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to destruction” Proverbs 14:12. What is the “right” way to live? ...

What Does Selah Mean in the Bible?

Tammy Kennington

Selah is one of the Old Testament's more mysterious words, central to worship. Discover what this word means in the Bible....

Why It's Important to Know God Doesn't Make Mistakes

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

You must get to the place of knowing God doesn’t make mistakes. If you never get there, then your faith will ultimately crumble. As we probe deeper into this thought let me share with you three things...

What Was the Role of the High Priest?

Bethany Verrett

The High Priest is not like a pastor or priest, though both do have the ability and knowledge of the Scriptures to teach them. It is a mediator position, someone who intercedes between man and God, an...

Is It Okay to Feel Overwhelmed as a Christian?

Blair Parke

Even though we know that Jesus will triumph in the end, it is okay to feel overwhelmed at what is transpiring around us. We can be in shock when we see senseless acts of violence or natural disasters ...

What Does Resurrection Mean?

Emma Danzey

Although resurrection literally means to rise up or stand up, to a believer, resurrection means that their eternity is sealed in Jesus. Resurrection is one of the foundational beliefs of the Christian...

What Does the Bible Say about Depression?

Jessica Brodie

For those who don’t have it, depression can be hard to understand. A mood disorder with both mental and physical impacts, depression is different from typical feelings of sadness or grief. Som...

The Beautiful Symbolism of Snow in Scripture

Emma Danzey

Snow is the precipitation of winter. It helps to provide water that is soaked into the ground and used towards the spring blooms. In God’s goodness, He provides for the needs of the land and people th...

7 Tips for Creating Time to Think (Because You Need It)

Philip Nation

In our hectic world of go, Go, GO!…it seems difficult to simply find time to sit down and think. In my own life over the last few months, I have felt the pressure of three different jobs, being overru...

3 Powerful Reasons a Mother’s Behind-the-Scenes Faith Matters

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

We often think the heroes in life are the people who do great and courageous acts, and rightfully so. These people often make great sacrifices, many times without knowing whether their actions will ev...

When Life Knocks You Off Balance, Cling to Faith

Frank Santora

“For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, A...

How Can We Honor God Through Our Jobs?

Sheila Alewine

Have you ever thought about the work that you do from God’s perspective? Unless you’re blessed to be doing your “dream job,” most Monday mornings you’d rather turn over in your bed and sleep a few ext...

Does God Still Speak to Us?

Frank Santora

If you’ve been around church people for any length of time, you’ve undoubtedly heard them say, “God spoke to me, and told me to….” And maybe you’ve wondered, whatever do they mean by that?Did He send ...

Hosea 6:3 Reminds Us That God Is Always Faithful

Lisa Loraine Baker

Israel knew God would respond positively to their faithfulness because He promised He would. Hosea likens His sure restoration of them with the refreshing nature of the dawn, showers, and spring rain....

How Can We Cultivate a Spirit of Reverence in Today's World?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Certain biblical words take on extra spiritual “weight” in the light of their object. Reverence is one such term. ...