Miqueas 4:2

2 Y vendrán muchos gentiles, y dirán: Venid, y subamos al monte del SEÑOR, y a la Casa del Dios de Jacob; y nos enseñará en sus caminos, y andaremos por sus veredas; porque de Sion saldrá la ley, y de Jerusalén la palabra del SEÑOR.

Miqueas 4:2 Meaning and Commentary

Micah 4:2

And many nations shall come, and say, come, and let us go up to
the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob
In ( Isaiah 2:3 ) ; it is, "many people" the sense is the same;(See Gill on :) and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths;
the teacher is the King Messiah, as Kimchi observes; the great Prophet of his people, the teacher sent from God; and will in the last days teach men by his Spirit and word, in a very plentiful manner, and with great success: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from
these, according to Kimchi, are the words of the prophet, and not of the people, that encourage one another to go up to the house of the Lord; but the sense is much the same; for they contain a reason why the people of different nations would encourage one another to go to the house of the Lord, that they might learn his ways, and walk in his statutes, because here the word of the Lord is preached; the word which comes from God, and is concerning him, his love and grace to men; the word of peace and righteousness, of life and salvation, by Jesus Christ: and each of the doctrines of grace intended by the "law" or "doctrine" of the Lord; the doctrines of God's everlasting love, of election in Christ, and redemption by him; of justification by his righteousness, pardon by his blood, and satisfaction by his atonement; as well as of regeneration by the Spirit of God, and of perseverance in grace: in these, and others, now shall all the Lord's people be taught more clearly, distinctly, and comfortably; all shall know him, from the least to the greatest; and not only their light and knowledge, under such a teacher and such will be very great, but their practice will be answerable to it; as they will be instructed in all the ways of the Lord, and in the methods of his grace, so they will walk in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless; (See Gill on Isaiah 2:3).

Miqueas 4:2 In-Context

1 Y acontecerá en lo postrero de los tiempos, que el monte de la Casa del SEÑOR será constituido por cabecera de montes, y más alto que todos los collados, y correrán a él pueblos.
2 Y vendrán muchos gentiles, y dirán: Venid, y subamos al monte del SEÑOR, y a la Casa del Dios de Jacob; y nos enseñará en sus caminos, y andaremos por sus veredas; porque de Sion saldrá la ley, y de Jerusalén la palabra del SEÑOR.
3 Y juzgará entre muchos pueblos, y corregirá fuertes naciones hasta muy lejos; y martillarán sus espadas para azadones, y sus lanzas para hoces; no alzará espada gente contra gente, ni más se ensayarán para la guerra.
4 Y cada uno se sentará debajo de su vid y debajo de su higuera, y no habrá quien amedrente; porque la boca del SEÑOR de los ejércitos habló.
5 Aunque todos los pueblos anduvieren cada uno en el nombre de sus dioses, nosotros con todo andaremos en el nombre del SEÑOR nuestro Dios para siempre y eternalmente.