1 Koningen 4:29-31

29 En God gaf Salomo wijsheid en zeer veel verstand, en een wijd begrip des harten, gelijk zand, dat aan den oever der zee is.
30 En de wijsheid van Salomo was groter dan de wijsheid van al die van het oosten, en dan alle wijsheid der Egyptenaren;
31 Ja, hij was wijzer dan alle mensen; dan Ethan, de Ezrahiet, en Heman, en Chalcol, en Darda, de zonen van Mahol; en zijn naam was onder alle heidenen rondom.

1 Koningen 4:29-31 Meaning and Commentary


As in the preceding chapter we have a proof of the wisdom and understanding which the Lord gave to Solomon, as promised, so in this an account is given of the riches and honour he was possessed of; of him, as king over all Israel, and of his princes, 1Ki 4:1-6; of the providers of food for his household in the several parts of the land, 1Ki 4:7-19; of the largeness and extent of his dominions, and of the peace and prosperity thereof, 1Ki 4:20,21,24,25; of his daily provisions for his household and for his cattle, 1Ki 4:22,23,26-28; and of his superior wisdom and knowledge to all others in all nations, which brought some out of all to hear it, 1Ki 4:29-34.

The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.