John 10:4-14

4 And when he hath sent forthe his awne shepe he goeth before them and the shepe folowe him: for they knowe his voyce.
5 A straunger they will not folowe but will flye from him: for they knowe not the voyce of straungers.
6 This similitude spake Iesus vnto them. But they vnderstode not what thinges they were which he spake vnto them.
7 Then sayde Iesus vnto them agayne. Verely verely I saye vnto you: I am the dore of the shepe.
8 All even as many as came before me are theves and robbers: but the shepe dyd not heare them.
9 I am the dore: by me yf eny man enter in he shalbe safe and shall goo in and out and fynde pasture.
10 The thefe cometh not but forto steale kyll and destroye. I am come that they myght have lyfe and have it more aboundantly.
11 I am ye good shepeheerd. The good shepeheerd geveth his lyfe for ye shepe.
12 An heyred servaut which is not ye shepeherd nether ye shepe are his awne seith the wolfe comynge and leveth the shepe and flyeth and the wolfe catcheth them and scattereth ye shepe.
13 The heyred servaut flyeth because he is an heyred servaunt and careth not for the shepe.
14 I am that good shepeheerd and knowe myne and am knowe of myne.
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