What Do We Learn about the Intentionality of Jesus from John 7?

The following is a transcribed Video Q&A, so the text may not read like an edited article would. Scroll to the bottom to view this video in its entirety. 

There are a lot of things in John Chapter Seven, there's not one thing that stands out, but what stands out to me the most in Chapter Seven is the intentionality of Jesus. We really see that in everything Jesus does, he knew where he was going, he stuck to the plan, he got up, he spent time with the Father. He had a plan, and he went on his plan.

And I think many times we just get up and flood through life. We may go to work, we may go see our family, but we don't have intentionality of going before the father on a daily basis and say to the Lord "Here's all I have, what do I do today? What's your priority?"

So I think we need to take away from John Chapter Seven that we need to be intentional after we talk to the Father about what he wants us to do every day.