Numbers 16

1 ecce autem Core filius Isaar filii Caath filii Levi et Dathan atque Abiram filii Heliab Hon quoque filius Pheleth de filiis Ruben
2 surrexerunt contra Mosen aliique filiorum Israhel ducenti quinquaginta viri proceres synagogae et qui tempore concilii per nomina vocabantur
3 cumque stetissent adversum Mosen et Aaron dixerunt sufficiat vobis quia omnis multitudo sanctorum est et in ipsis est Dominus cur elevamini super populum Domini
4 quod cum audisset Moses cecidit pronus in faciem
5 locutusque ad Core et ad omnem multitudinem mane inquit notum faciet Dominus qui ad se pertineant et sanctos adplicabit sibi et quos elegerit adpropinquabunt ei
6 hoc igitur facite tollat unusquisque turibula sua tu Core et omne concilium tuum
7 et hausto cras igne ponite desuper thymiama coram Domino et quemcumque elegerit ipse erit sanctus multum erigimini filii Levi
8 dixitque rursum ad Core audite filii Levi
9 num parum vobis est quod separavit vos Deus Israhel ab omni populo et iunxit sibi ut serviretis ei in cultu tabernaculi et staretis coram frequentia populi et ministraretis ei
10 idcirco ad se fecit accedere te et omnes fratres tuos filios Levi ut vobis etiam sacerdotium vindicetis
11 et omnis globus tuus stet contra Dominum quid est enim Aaron ut murmuretis contra eum
12 misit ergo Moses ut vocaret Dathan et Abiram filios Heliab qui responderunt non venimus
13 numquid parum est tibi quod eduxisti nos de terra quae lacte et melle manabat ut occideres in deserto nisi et dominatus fueris nostri
14 re vera induxisti nos in terram quae fluit rivis lactis et mellis et dedisti nobis possessiones agrorum et vinearum an et oculos nostros vis eruere non venimus
15 iratusque Moses valde ait ad Dominum ne respicias sacrificia eorum tu scis quod ne asellum quidem umquam acceperim ab eis nec adflixerim quempiam eorum
16 dixitque ad Core tu et omnis congregatio tua state seorsum coram Domino et Aaron die crastino separatim
17 tollite singuli turibula vestra et ponite super ea incensum offerentes Domino ducenta quinquaginta turibula Aaron quoque teneat turibulum suum
18 quod cum fecissent stantibus Mosen et Aaron
19 et coacervassent adversum eos omnem multitudinem ad ostium tabernaculi apparuit cunctis gloria Domini
20 locutusque Dominus ad Mosen et Aaron ait
21 separamini de medio congregationis huius ut eos repente disperdam
22 qui ceciderunt proni in faciem atque dixerunt fortissime Deus spirituum universae carnis num uno peccante contra omnes tua ira desaeviet
23 et ait Dominus ad Mosen
24 praecipe universo populo ut separetur a tabernaculis Core et Dathan et Abiram
25 surrexitque Moses et abiit ad Dathan et Abiram et sequentibus eum senioribus Israhel
26 dixit ad turbam recedite a tabernaculis hominum impiorum et nolite tangere quae ad eos pertinent ne involvamini in peccatis eorum
27 cumque recessissent a tentoriis eorum per circuitum Dathan et Abiram egressi stabant in introitu papilionum suorum cum uxoribus et liberis omnique frequentia
28 et ait Moses in hoc scietis quod Dominus miserit me ut facerem universa quae cernitis et non ex proprio ea corde protulerim
29 si consueta hominum morte interierint et visitaverit eos plaga qua et ceteri visitari solent non misit me Dominus
30 sin autem novam rem fecerit Dominus ut aperiens terra os suum degluttiat eos et omnia quae ad illos pertinent descenderintque viventes in infernum scietis quod blasphemaverint Dominum
31 confestim igitur ut cessavit loqui disrupta est terra sub pedibus eorum
32 et aperiens os suum devoravit illos cum tabernaculis suis et universa substantia
33 descenderuntque vivi in infernum operti humo et perierunt de medio multitudinis
34 at vero omnis Israhel qui stabat per gyrum fugit ad clamorem pereuntium dicens ne forte et nos terra degluttiat
35 sed et ignis egressus a Domino interfecit ducentos quinquaginta viros qui offerebant incensum
36 locutusque est Dominus ad Mosen dicens
37 praecipe Eleazaro filio Aaron sacerdotis ut tollat turibula quae iacent in incendio et ignem huc illucque dispergat quoniam sanctificata sunt
38 in mortibus peccatorum producatque ea in lamminas et adfigat altari eo quod oblatum sit in eis incensum Domino et sanctificata sint ut cernant ea pro signo et monumento filii Israhel
39 tulit ergo Eleazar sacerdos turibula aenea in quibus obtulerant hii quos incendium devoravit et produxit ea in lamminas adfigens altari
40 ut haberent postea filii Israhel quibus commonerentur ne quis accedat alienigena et qui non est de semine Aaron ad offerendum incensum Domino ne patiatur sicut passus est Core et omnis congregatio eius loquente Domino ad Mosen
41 murmuravit autem omnis multitudo filiorum Israhel sequenti die contra Mosen et Aaron dicens vos interfecistis populum Domini
42 cumque oreretur seditio et tumultus incresceret
43 Moses et Aaron fugerunt ad tabernaculum foederis quod postquam ingressi sunt operuit nubes et apparuit gloria Domini
44 dixitque Dominus ad Mosen
45 recedite de medio huius multitudinis etiam nunc delebo eos cumque iacerent in terra
46 dixit Moses ad Aaron tolle turibulum et hausto igne de altari mitte incensum desuper pergens cito ad populum ut roges pro eis iam enim egressa est ira a Domino et plaga desaevit
47 quod cum fecisset Aaron et cucurrisset ad mediam multitudinem quam iam vastabat incendium obtulit thymiama
48 et stans inter mortuos ac viventes pro populo deprecatus est et plaga cessavit
49 fuerunt autem qui percussi sunt quattuordecim milia hominum et septingenti absque his qui perierant in seditione Core
50 reversusque est Aaron ad Mosen ad ostium tabernaculi foederis postquam quievit interitus

Numbers 16 Commentary

Chapter 16

The rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram Korah contends for the priesthood. (1-11) Disobedience of Dathan and Abiram. (12-15) The glory of the Lord appears The intercession of Moses and Aaron. (16-22) The earth swallows up Dathan and Abiram. (23-34) The company of Korah consumed. (35-40) The people murmur A plague sent. (41-50)

Verses 1-11 Pride and ambition occasion a great deal of mischief both in churches and states. The rebels quarrel with the settlement of the priesthood upon Aaron and his family. Small reason they had to boast of the people's purity, or of God's favour, as the people had been so often and so lately polluted with sin, and were now under the marks of God's displeasure. They unjustly charge Moses and Aaron with taking honour to themselves; whereas they were called of God to it. See here, 1. What spirit levellers are of; those who resist the powers God has set over them. 2. What usage they have been serviceable. Moses sought instruction from God. The heart of the wise studies to answer, and asks counsel of God. Moses shows their privileges as Levites, and convicts them of the sin of undervaluing these privileges. It will help to keep us from envying those above us, duly to consider how many there are below us.

Verses 12-15 Moses summoned Dathan and Abiram to bring their complaints; but they would not obey. They bring very false charges against Moses. Those often fall under the heaviest censures, who in truth deserve the highest praise. Moses, though the meekest man, yet, finding God reproached in him, was very wroth; he could not bear to see the people ruining themselves. He appeals to God as to his own integrity. He bade them appear with Aaron next morning, at the time of offering the morning incense. Korah undertook thus to appear. Proud ambitious men, while projecting their own advancement, often hurry on their own shameful fall.

Verses 16-22 The same glory of the Lord that appeared to place Aaron in his office at first, ( Leviticus 9:23 ) , now appeared to confirm him in it; and to confound those who set up against him. Nothing is more terrible to those who are conscious of guilt, than the appearance of the Divine glory. See how dangerous it is to have fellowship with sinners, and to partake with them. Though the people had treacherously deserted them, yet Moses and Aaron approved themselves faithful shepherds of Israel. If others fail in their duty to us, that does not take away the obligations we are under to seek their welfare. Their prayer was a pleading prayer, and it proved a prevailing one.

Verses 23-34 The seventy elders of Israel attend Moses. It is our duty to do what we can to countenance and support lawful authority when it is opposed. And those who would not perish with sinners, must come out from among them, and be separate. It was in answer to the prayer of Moses, that God stirred up the hearts of the congregation to remove for their own safety. Grace to separate from evil-doers is one of the things that accompany salvation. God, in justice, left the rebels to the obstinacy and hardness of their own hearts. Moses, by Divine direction, when all Israel were waiting the event, declares that if the rebels die a common death, he will be content to be called and counted an imposter. As soon as Moses had spoken the word, God caused the earth to open and swallow them all up. The children perished with their parents; in which, though we cannot tell how bad they might be to deserve it, or how good God might be otherwise to them; yet of this we are sure, that Infinite Justice did them no wrong. It was altogether miraculous. God has, when he pleases, strange punishments for the workers of iniquity. It was very significant. Considering how the earth is still in like manner loaded with the weight of man's sins, we have reason to wonder that it does not now sink under its load. The ruin of others should be our warning. Could we, by faith, hear the outcries of those that are gone down to the bottomless pit, we should give more diligence than we do to escape for our lives, lest we also come into their condemnation.

Verses 35-40 A fire went out from the Lord, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense, while Aaron, who stood with them, was preserved alive. God is jealous of the honour of his own institutions, and will not have them invaded. The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord. The censers are devoted, and, as all devoted things, must be made serviceable to the glory of God. This covering of the altar would remind the children of Israel of this event, that others might hear and fear, and do no more presumptuously. They brought destruction on themselves both in body and soul. Thus all who break the law and neglect the gospel choose and love death.

Verses 41-50 The gaping earth was scarcely closed, before the same sins are again committed, and all these warnings slighted. They called the rebels the people of the Lord; and find fault with Divine justice. The obstinacy of Israel notwithstanding the terrors of God's law, as given on mount Sinai, and the terrors of his judgments, shows how necessary the grace of God is to change men's hearts and lives. Love will do what fear cannot. Moses and Aaron interceded with God for mercy, knowing how great the provocation was. Aaron went, and burned incense between the living and the dead, not to purify the air, but to pacify an offended God. As one tender of the life of every Israelite, Aaron made all possible speed. We must render good for evil. Observe especially, that Aaron was a type of Christ. There is an infection of sin in the world, which only the cross and intercession of Jesus Christ can stay and remove. He enters the defiled and dying camp. He stands between the dead and the living; between the eternal Judge and the souls under condemnation. We must have redemption through His blood, even the remission of sins. We admire the ready devotion of Aaron: shall we not bless and praise the unspeakable grace and love which filled the Saviour's heart, when he placed himself in our stead, and bought us with his life? Greatly indeed hath God commended his love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, ( Romans 5:8 ) .

Chapter Summary


This chapter gives an account of a sedition of Korah and others against Moses and Aaron, Nu 16:1-4, with whom Moses expostulates, and shows the unreasonableness of their clamour against Aaron, Nu 16:5-11; sends for Dathan and Abiram, who were in the confederacy, but refused to come, which greatly angered Moses, Nu 16:12-15; orders Korah and his company to appear before the Lord the next day, with Aaron, to have the controversy decided, Nu 16:16-18; when all the congregation gathered together would have been, consumed had it not been for the intercession of Moses and Aaron, Nu 16:19-22; and who, being separated from the rebels by the command of the Lord, some of the rebels were swallowed up in the earth, and others destroyed by fire from heaven, Nu 16:23-35; and their censers were made a covering for the altar, as a memorial of their sin, Nu 16:36-40; on which there was a new insurrection of the people, which brought a plague upon them, and destroyed 14,700 persons, and which was stopped at the intercession of Aaron, Nu 16:41-50.

Numbers 16 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.