Isaiah 1:15

15 et cum extenderitis manus vestras avertam oculos meos a vobis et cum multiplicaveritis orationem non audiam manus vestrae sanguine plenae sunt

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Isaiah 1:15 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 1:15

And when ye spread forth your hands
That is, in prayer, this being a prayer gesture: hence the Targum paraphrases it,

``and when the priests spread out their hands to pray for you.''
I will hide mine eyes from you;
will not look upon them, nor regard their prayer; see ( Lamentations 3:42 ) yea, when ye make many prayers;
as the Scribes and Pharisees did in Christ's time, and thought to be heard for their much speaking, like the Gentiles, ( Matthew 6:7 ) I will not hear;
so as to give an answer, or fulfil their requests: the reason follows, your hands are full of blood;
of the prophets of the Lord, of Christ and his followers, whom they put to death.

Isaiah 1:15 In-Context

13 ne adferatis ultra sacrificium frustra incensum abominatio est mihi neomeniam et sabbatum et festivitates alias non feram iniqui sunt coetus vestri
14 kalendas vestras et sollemnitates vestras odivit anima mea facta sunt mihi molesta laboravi sustinens
15 et cum extenderitis manus vestras avertam oculos meos a vobis et cum multiplicaveritis orationem non audiam manus vestrae sanguine plenae sunt
16 lavamini mundi estote auferte malum cogitationum vestrarum ab oculis meis quiescite agere perverse
17 discite benefacere quaerite iudicium subvenite oppresso iudicate pupillo defendite viduam
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.