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Isaiah 31:1

1 vae qui descendunt in Aegyptum ad auxilium in equis sperantes et habentes fiduciam super quadrigis quia multae sunt et super equitibus quia praevalidi nimis et non sunt confisi super Sanctum Israhel et Dominum non requisierunt

Isaiah 31:1 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 31:1

Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help
Or, "O ye that go down"; what poor foolish creatures are you! And in the end what miserable and wretched ones will ye be! Such were the Jewish rulers and people, who either went themselves, or sent ambassadors to the king of Egypt, to supply them with men and horses against the king of Assyria, contrary to the express command of God, which forbid them returning to Egypt; and which showed their unmindfulness of deliverance from thence, and their not having a due sense of that mercy upon them; as well as their so doing exposed them to the danger of being drawn into the superstitions and idolatries of that people: and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because [they] are many;
and in horsemen, because they are very strong;
having their dependence upon, and placing their confidence in, the strength and numbers of the cavalry of the Egyptians: but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the
they did not look unto the Lord with an eye of faith, nor seek him by prayer and supplication; or ask any counsel or instruction of him, as the Targum paraphrases the last clause; so that their sin lay not only in their confidence in the creature, but in their neglect of the Lord himself; and so all such persons are foolish and miserable, that trust in an arm of flesh, that place their confidence in creature acts, in their own righteousness, duties, and services, and have no regard to the Holy One of Israel, to the holiness and righteousness of Christ, neglect that, and do not submit to it; thus the Targum interprets the former clause of the Word of the Holy One of Israel, the essential Word Christ.

Isaiah 31:1 In-Context

1 vae qui descendunt in Aegyptum ad auxilium in equis sperantes et habentes fiduciam super quadrigis quia multae sunt et super equitibus quia praevalidi nimis et non sunt confisi super Sanctum Israhel et Dominum non requisierunt
2 ipse autem sapiens adduxit malum et verba sua non abstulit et consurget contra domum pessimorum et contra auxilium operantium iniquitatem
3 Aegyptus homo et non deus et equi eorum caro et non spiritus et Dominus inclinabit manum suam et corruet auxiliator et cadet cui praestatur auxilium simulque omnes consumentur
4 quia haec dicit Dominus ad me quomodo si rugiat leo et catulus leonis super praedam suam cum occurrerit ei multitudo pastorum a voce eorum non formidabit et a multitudine eorum non pavebit sic descendet Dominus exercituum ut proelietur super montem Sion et super collem eius
5 sicut aves volantes sic proteget Dominus exercituum Hierusalem protegens et liberans transiens et salvans
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.