Isaiah 43:12

12 ego adnuntiavi et salvavi auditum feci et non fuit in vobis alienus vos testes mei dicit Dominus et ego Deus

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Isaiah 43:12 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 43:12

I have declared, and I have saved, and I have showed
The Targum is,

``I have showed to Abraham your father what should come to pass; I redeemed you out of Egypt, as I swore to him between the pieces; and I caused you to hear the doctrine of the law at Sinai.''
But the sense is, that God had declared by his prophets, long before the Messiah came, that he would send him; that he should come and save his people by his obedience, sufferings, and death; accordingly he was come, and was the author of salvation; the Lord had wrought out salvation by him, as he had declared he would; and this he had shown, published, and made known by the everlasting Gospel, preached among all nations: when there was no strange god among you;
that assisted in this salvation; the arm of Christ alone wrought it out: or, "and this is not strange among you" F9; this work of salvation wrought out is not strange among you; it is well known unto you, being published in the Gospel.

F9 (rz Mkb Nyaw) "et non est in vobis alienum vel peregrinum", Musculus.

Isaiah 43:12 In-Context

10 vos testes mei dicit Dominus et servus meus quem elegi ut sciatis et credatis mihi et intellegatis quia ego ipse sum ante me non est formatus deus et post me non erit
11 ego sum ego sum Dominus et non est absque me salvator
12 ego adnuntiavi et salvavi auditum feci et non fuit in vobis alienus vos testes mei dicit Dominus et ego Deus
13 et ab initio ego ipse et non est qui de manu mea eruat operabor et quis avertet illud
14 haec dicit Dominus redemptor vester Sanctus Israhel propter vos emisi Babylonem et detraxi vectes universos et Chaldeos in navibus suis gloriantes
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.