Psalms 93

1 psalmus David quarta sabbati Deus ultionum Dominus Deus ultionum libere egit
2 exaltare qui iudicas terram redde retributionem superbis
3 usquequo peccatores Domine usquequo peccatores gloriabuntur
4 effabuntur et loquentur iniquitatem loquentur omnes qui operantur iniustitiam
5 populum tuum Domine humiliaverunt et hereditatem tuam vexaverunt
6 viduam et advenam interfecerunt et pupillos occiderunt
7 et dixerunt non videbit Dominus nec intelleget Deus Iacob
8 intellegite qui insipientes estis in populo et stulti aliquando sapite
9 qui plantavit aurem non audiet aut qui finxit oculum non considerat
10 qui corripit gentes non arguet qui docet hominem scientiam
11 Dominus scit cogitationes hominum quoniam vanae sunt
12 beatus homo quem tu erudieris Domine et de lege tua docueris eum
13 ut mitiges ei a diebus malis donec fodiatur peccatori fovea
14 quia non repellet Dominus plebem suam et hereditatem suam non derelinquet
15 quoadusque iustitia convertatur in iudicium et qui iuxta illam omnes qui recto sunt corde diapsalma
16 quis consurget mihi adversus malignantes aut quis stabit mecum adversus operantes iniquitatem
17 nisi quia Dominus adiuvit me paulo minus habitavit in inferno anima mea
18 si dicebam motus est pes meus misericordia tua Domine adiuvabat me
19 secundum multitudinem dolorum meorum in corde meo consolationes tuae laetificaverunt animam meam
20 numquid aderit tibi sedis iniquitatis qui fingis dolorem in praecepto
21 captabunt in animam iusti et sanguinem innocentem condemnabunt
22 et factus est Dominus mihi in refugium et Deus meus in adiutorem spei meae
23 et reddet illis iniquitatem ipsorum et in malitia eorum disperdet eos disperdet illos Dominus Deus noster

Psalms 93 Commentary

Chapter 93

The majesty, power, and holiness of Christ's kingdom.

- The Lord might have displayed only his justice, holiness, and awful power, in his dealings with fallen men; but he has been pleased to display the riches of his mercy, and the power of his renewing grace. In this great work, the Father has given all power to his Son, the Lord from heaven, who has made atonement for our sins. He not only can pardon, but deliver and protect all who trust in him. His word is past, and all the saints may rely upon it. Whatever was foretold concerning the kingdom of the Messiah, must be fulfilled in due time. All his people ought to be very strictly pure. God's church is his house; it is a holy house, cleansed from sin, and employed in his service. Where there is purity, there shall be peace. Let all carefully look if this kingdom is set up in their hearts.

Chapter Summary


This psalm is by some ascribed to Moses, by others to David, which latter is more probable; with which agree the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and all the Oriental versions; all which, excepting the Syriac and Arabic versions, say it is a psalm that was made to be sung the day before the sabbath; and it was a custom with the Jews {a} to sing it on the sixth day of the week; which it is likely the authors of the Septuagint version were acquainted with, and therefore inserted it in the title of the psalm, though it is not in the Hebrew text. The subject of the psalm is the kingdom of God; not of nature and providence, but of grace; the kingdom of the Messiah; of the certainty, firmness, and eternity of it, notwithstanding the opposition of mighty enemies; being established by the sure promises of God, which his faithfulness and holiness were engaged to make good. Kimchi says, that all these psalms, this and the following to Psalm 101, are concerning the Messiah; and so say Kabvenaki and Ben Melech.

Psalms 93 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.