Isaías 58

1 Clama em alta voz, não te detenhas, levanta a tua voz como a trombeta e anuncia ao meu povo a sua transgressão, e � casa de Jacó os seus pecados.
2 Todavia me procuram cada dia, tomam prazer em saber os meus caminhos; como se fossem um povo que praticasse a justiça e não tivesse abandonado a ordenança do seu Deus, pedem-me juízos retos, têm prazer em se chegar a Deus!,
3 Por que temos nós jejuado, dizem eles, e tu não atentas para isso? por que temos afligido as nossas almas, e tu não o sabes? Eis que no dia em que jejuais, prosseguis nas vossas empresas, e exigis que se façam todos os vossos trabalhos.
4 Eis que para contendas e rixas jejuais, e para ferirdes com punho iníquo! Jejuando vós assim como hoje, a vossa voz não se fara ouvir no alto.
5 Seria esse o jejum que eu escolhi? o dia em que o homem aflija a sua alma? Consiste porventura, em inclinar o homem a cabeça como junco e em estender debaixo de si saco e cinza? chamarias tu a isso jejum e dia aceitável ao Senhor?
6 Acaso não é este o jejum que escolhi? que soltes as ligaduras da impiedade, que desfaças as ataduras do jugo? e que deixes ir livres os oprimidos, e despedaces todo jugo?
7 Porventura não é também que repartas o teu pão com o faminto, e recolhas em casa os pobres desamparados? que vendo o nu, o cubras, e não te escondas da tua carne?
8 Então romperá a tua luz como a alva, e a tua cura apressadamente brotará. e a tua justiça irá adiante de ti; e a glória do Senhor será a tua retaguarda.
9 Então clamarás, e o Senhor te responderá; gritarás, e ele dirá: Eis-me aqui. Se tirares do meio de ti o jugo, o estender do dedo, e o falar iniquamente;
10 e se abrires a tua alma ao faminto, e fartares o aflito; então a tua luz nascerá nas trevas, e a tua escuridão será como o meio dia.
11 O Senhor te guiará continuamente, e te fartará até em lugares áridos, e fortificará os teus ossos; serás como um jardim regado, e como um manancial, cujas águas nunca falham.
12 E os que de ti procederem edificarão as ruínas antigas; e tu levantarás os fundamentos de muitas gerações; e serás chamado reparador da brecha, e restaurador de veredas para morar.
13 Se desviares do sábado o teu pé, e deixares de prosseguir nas tuas empresas no meu santo dia; se ao sábado chamares deleitoso, ao santo dia do Senhor, digno de honra; se o honrares, não seguindo os teus caminhos, nem te ocupando nas tuas empresas, nem falando palavras vãs;
14 então te deleitarás no Senhor, e eu te farei cavalgar sobre as alturas da terra, e te sustentarei com a herança de teu pai Jacó; porque a boca do Senhor o disse.

Images for Isaías 58

Isaías 58 Commentary

Chapter 58

Hypocrisy reproved. (1,2) A counterfeit and a true fast, with promises to real godliness, and, (3-12) to the keeping the sabbath. (13,14)

Verses 1-2 The Holy Spirit had hypocrites of every age in view. Self-love and timid Christians may say, Spare thyself; dislike to the cross and other motives will say, "Spare the rich and powerful;" but God says, "Spare not:" and we must obey God, not men. We all need earnestly to pray for God's assistance in examining ourselves. Men may go far toward heaven, yet come short; and they may go to hell with a good reputation.

Verses 3-12 A fast is a day to afflict the soul; if it does not express true sorrow for sin, and does not promote the putting away of sin, it is not a fast. These professors had shown sorrow on stated or occasioned fasts. But they indulged pride, covetousness, and malignant passions. To be liberal and merciful is more acceptable to God than mere fasting, which, without them, is vain and hypocritical. Many who seem humble in God's house, are hard at home, and harass their families. But no man's faith justifies, which does not work by love. Yet persons, families, neighbourhoods, churches, or nations, show repentance and sorrow for sin, by keeping a fast sincerely, and, from right motives, repenting, and doing good works. The heavy yoke of sin and oppression must be removed. As sin and sorrow dry the bones and weaken the strongest human constitution; so the duties of kindness and charity strengthen and refresh both body and mind. Those who do justly and love mercy, shall have the comfort, even in this world. Good works will bring the blessing of God, provided they are done from love to God and man, and wrought in the soul by the Holy Spirit.

Verses 13-14 The sabbath is a sign between God and his professing people; his appointing it is a sign of his favour to them; and their observing it is a sign of their obedience to him. We must turn from travelling on that day; from doing our pleasure on that holy day, without the control and restraint of conscience; or from indulging in the pleasures of sense. On sabbath days we must not follow our callings, or our pleasures. In all we say and do, we must put a difference between this day and other days. Even in Old Testament times the sabbath was called the Lord's day, and is fitly called so still; and for a further reason, it is the Lord Christ's day, ( Revelation 1:10 ) . If we thus remember the sabbath day to keep it holy, we shall have the comfort and profit of it, and have reason to say, It is good to draw near to God.

Chapter Summary


From the wicked and antichristian party the prophet is bid to turn to the professors of the true religion, and openly, boldly, and sharply, reprove them for their sins, particularly their hypocrisy and formality in worship, Isa 58:1,2, who yet were angry, and complained that the Lord took no notice of their religious services, particularly their fasting, which is put for the whole; the reason of which was, because they did not fast aright; it was attended with much cruelty, strife, and wickedness, and only lay in external appearances, Isa 58:3-5, when they are directed how to keep a fast, and are shown what a true fast is, and what works and services are acceptable to God, Isa 58:6,7 on doing of which, light, health, prosperity, and hearing of their prayers, are promised, provided the yoke of oppression is taken away, and compassion shown to the poor, Isa 58:8-10, yea, a very fruitful and flourishing estate of the soul is promised, and a rebuilding of waste places, delight in the Lord, and great honour and dignity; so be it that the sabbath of the Lord, or public worship, is attended to in a proper manner, Isa 58:11-14.

Isaías 58 Commentaries

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