Números 24

1 Vendo Balaão que parecia bem aos olhos do Senhor que abençoasse a Israel, não foi, como era costume, ao encontro dos encantamentos, mas voltou o rosto para o deserto.
2 E, levantando Balaão os olhos, viu a Israel que se achava acampado segundo as suas tribos; e veio sobre ele o Espírito de Deus.
3 Então proferiu Balaão a sua parábola, dizendo: Fala Balaão, filho de Beor; fala o homem que tem os olhos abertos;
4 fala aquele que ouve as palavras de Deus, o que vê a visão do Todo-Poderoso, que cai, e se lhe abrem os olhos:
5 Quão formosas são as tuas tendas, ó Jacó! as tuas moradas, ó Israel!
6 Como vales, elas se estendem; são como jardins � beira dos rios, como árvores de aloés que o Senhor plantou, como cedros junto �s águas.
7 De seus baldes manarão águas, e a sua semente estará em muitas águas; o seu rei se exalçará mais do que Agague, e o seu reino será exaltado.
8 É Deus que os vem tirando do Egito; as suas forças são como as do boi selvagem; ele devorará as nações, seus adversários, lhes quebrará os ossos, e com as suas setas os atravessará.
9 Agachou-se, deitou-se como leão, e como leoa; quem o despertará? Benditos os que te abençoarem, e malditos os que te amaldiçoarem.
10 Pelo que a ira de Balaque se acendeu contra Balaão, e batendo ele as palmas, disse a Balaão: Para amaldiçoares os meus inimigos é que te chamei; e eis que já três vezes os abençoaste.
11 Agora, pois, foge para o teu lugar; eu tinha dito que certamente te honraria, mas eis que o Senhor te privou dessa honra.
12 Então respondeu Balaão a Balaque: Não falei eu também aos teus mensageiros, que me enviaste, dizendo:
13 Ainda que Balaque me quisesse dar a sua casa cheia de prata e de ouro, eu não poderia ir além da ordem do Senhor, para fazer, de mim mesmo, o bem ou o mal; o que o Senhor falar, isso falarei eu?
14 Agora, pois, eis que me vou ao meu povo; vem, avisar-te-ei do que este povo fará ao teu povo nos últimos dias.
15 Então proferiu Balaão a sua parábola, dizendo: Fala Balaão, filho de Beor; fala o homem que tem os olhos abertos;
16 fala aquele que ouve as palavras de Deus e conhece os desígnios do Altíssimo, que vê a visão do Todo-Poderoso, que cai, e se lhe abrem os olhos:
17 Eu o vejo, mas não no presente; eu o contemplo, mas não de perto; de Jacó procederá uma estrela, de Israel se levantará um cetro que ferirá os termos de Moabe, e destruirá todos os filhos de orgulho.
18 E Edom lhe será uma possessão, e assim também Seir, os quais eram os seus inimigos; pois Israel fará proezas.
19 De Jacó um dominará e destruirá os sobreviventes da cidade.
20 Também viu Balaão a Amaleque e proferiu a sua parábola, dizendo: Amaleque era a primeira das nações, mas o seu fim será a destruição.
21 E, vendo os quenitas, proferiu a sua parábola, dizendo: Firme está a tua habitação; e posto na penha está o teu ninho;
22 todavia será o quenita assolado, até que Assur te leve por prisioneiro.
23 Proferiu ainda a sua parábola, dizendo: Ai, quem viverá, quando Deus fizer isto?
24 Naus virão das costas de Quitim, e afligirão a Assur; igualmente afligirão a Eber, que também será para destruição.
25 Então, tendo-se Balaão levantado, partiu e voltou para o seu lugar; e também Balaque se foi pelo seu caminho.

Números 24 Commentary

Chapter 24

Balaam, leaving divinations, prophesies the happiness of Israel. (1-9) Balak dismisses Balaam in anger. (10-14) Balaam's prophecies. (15-25)

Verses 1-9 Now Balaam spake not his own sense, but the language of the Spirit that came upon him. Many have their eyes open who have not their hearts open; are enlightened, but not sanctified. That knowledge which puffs men up with pride, will but serve to light them to hell, whither many go with their eyes open. The blessing is nearly the same as those given before. He admires in Israel, their beauty. The righteous, doubtless, is more excellent than his neighbour. Their fruitfulness and increase. Their honour and advancement. Their power and victory. He looks back upon what had been done for them. Their power and victory. He looks back upon what had been done for them. Their courage and security. The righteous are bold as a lion, not when assaulting others, but when at rest, because God maketh them to dwell in safety. Their influence upon their neighbours. God takes what is done to them, whether good or evil, as done to himself.

Verses 10-14 This vain attempt to curse Israel is ended. Balak broke out into a rage against Balaam, and expressed great vexation. Balaam has a very full excuse; God restrained him from saying what he would have said, and constrained him to say what he would not have uttered.

Verses 15-25 Under the powerful influence of the Spirit of prophecy, Balaam foretold the future prosperity and extensive dominion of Israel. Balaam boasts that his eyes are open. The prophets were in old times called seers. He had heard the words of God, which many do who neither heed them, nor hear God in them. He knew the knowledge of the Most High. A man may be full of the knowledge of God, yet utterly destitute of the grace of God. He calls God the Most High and the Almighty. No man could seem to express a greater respect to God; yet he had no true fear of him, love to him, nor faith in him; so far a man may go toward heaven, and yet come short of it at last. Here is Balaam's prophecy concerning Him who should be the crown and glory of his people Israel; who is David in the type; but our Lord Jesus, the promised Messiah, is chiefly pointed at, and of him it is an illustrious prophecy. Balaam, a wicked man, shall see Christ, but shall not see him nigh; not see him as Job, who saw him as his Redeemer, and saw him for himself. When he comes in the clouds, every eye shall see him; but many will see him, as the rich man in hell saw Abraham, afar off. He shall come out of Jacob, and Israel, as a Star and a Sceptre; the former denoting his glory and lustre; the latter his power and authority. Christ shall be King, not only of Jacob and Israel, but of all the world; so that all shall be either governed by his golden sceptre, or dashed in pieces by his iron rod. Balaam prophesied concerning the Amalekites and Kenites, part of whose country he had now in view. Even a nest in a rock will not be a lasting security. Here is a prophecy that looks as far forward as to the Greeks and Romans. He acknowledges all the revolutions of states and kingdoms to be the Lord's doing. These events will make such desolations, that scarcely any will escape. They that live then, will be as brands plucked out of the fire. May God fit us for the worst of times! Thus Balaam, instead of cursing the church, curses Amalek the first, and Rome the last enemy of the church. Not Rome pagan only, but Rome papal also; antichrist and all the antichristian powers. Let us ask ourselves, Do we in knowledge, experience, or profession, excel Balaam? No readiness of speech, even in preaching or prayer, no gifts of knowledge or prophecy, are in themselves different from, or superior to the boasted gifts of him who loved the wages of unrighteousness, and died the enemy of God. Simple dependence on the Redeemer's atoning blood and sanctifying grace, cheerful submission to the Divine will, constant endeavours to glorify God and benefit his people, these are less splendid, but far more excellent gifts, and always accompany salvation. No boasting hypocrite ever possessed these; yet the feeblest believer has something of them, and is daily praying for more of them.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter we are told, that Balaam leaving his enchantments, the Spirit of God came on him, and he spake of the happiness of Israel, and prophesied of their future greatness and glory, Nu 24:1-9 which so exasperated Balak, that he ordered him at once to depart from him, Nu 24:10,11. Balaam justified himself in what he said and did, and suggested that before they parted, he had something to say in a prophetic manner, concerning what Israel should do to Moab in "future" times, Nu 24:12-14 and then prophesies concerning the Messiah, and the destruction of Moab, and of some neighbouring nations, and even of some at a greater distance, as the Assyrians and Romans, Nu 24:15-25.

Números 24 Commentaries

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