Salmos 147

1 Louvai ao Senhor; porque é bom cantar louvores ao nosso Deus; pois isso é agradável, e decoroso é o louvor.
2 O Senhor edifica Jerusalém, congrega os dispersos de Israel;
3 sara os quebrantados de coração, e cura-lhes as feridas;
4 conta o número das estrelas, chamando-as a todas pelos seus nomes.
5 Grande é o nosso Senhor, e de grande poder; não há limite ao seu entendimento.
6 O Senhor eleva os humildes, e humilha os perversos até a terra.
7 Cantai ao Senhor em ação de graças; com a harpa cantai louvores ao nosso Deus.
8 Ele é que cobre o céu de nuvens, que prepara a chuva para a terra, e que faz produzir erva sobre os montes;
9 que dá aos animais o seu alimento, e aos filhos dos corvos quando clamam.
10 Não se deleita na força do cavalo, nem se compraz nas pernas do homem.
11 O Senhor se compraz nos que o temem, nos que esperam na sua benignidade.
12 Louva, ó Jerusalém, ao Senhor; louva, ó Sião, ao teu Deus.
13 Porque ele fortalece as trancas das tuas portas; abençoa aos teus filhos dentro de ti.
14 Ele é quem estabelece a paz nas tuas fronteiras; quem do mais fino trigo te farta;
15 quem envia o seu mandamento pela terra; a sua palavra corre mui velozmente.
16 Ele dá a neve como lã, esparge a geada como cinza,
17 e lança o seu gelo em pedaços; quem pode resistir ao seu frio?
18 Manda a sua palavra, e os derrete; faz soprar o vento, e correm as águas;
19 ele revela a sua palavra a Jacó, os seus estatutos e as suas ordenanças a Israel.
20 Não fez assim a nenhuma das outras nações; e, quanto �s suas ordenanças, elas não as conhecem. Louvai ao Senhor!

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Salmos 147 Commentary

Chapter 147

The people of God are exhorted to praise him for his mercies and care. (1-11) For the salvation and prosperity of the church. (12-20)

Verses 1-11 Praising God is work that is its own wages. It is comely; it becomes us as reasonable creatures, much more as people in covenant with God. He gathers outcast sinners by his grace, and will bring them into his holy habitation. To those whom God heals with the consolations of his Spirit, he speaks peace, assures them their sins are pardoned. And for this, let others praise him also. Man's knowledge is soon ended; but God's knowledge is a dept that can never be fathomed. And while he telleth the number of the stars, he condescends to hear the broken-hearted sinner. While he feeds the young ravens, he will not leave his praying people destitute. Clouds look dull and melancholy, yet without them we could have no rain, therefore no fruit. Thus afflictions look black and unpleasant; but from clouds of affliction come showers that make the soul to yield the peaceable fruits of righteousness. The psalmist delights not in things wherein sinners trust and glory; but a serious and suitable regard to God is, in his sight, of very great price. We are not to be in doubt between hope and fear, but to act under the gracious influences of hope and fear united.

Verses 12-20 The church, like Jerusalem of old, built up and preserved by the wisdom, power, and goodness of God, is exhorted to praise him for all the benefits and blessings vouchsafed to her; and these are represented by his favours in the course of nature. The thawing word may represent the gospel of Christ, and the thawing wind the Spirit of Christ; for the Spirit is compared to the wind, ( John 3:8 ) . Converting grace softens the heart that was hard frozen, and melts it into tears of repentance, and makes good reflections to flow, which before were chilled and stopped up. The change which the thaw makes is very evident, yet how it is done no one can say. Such is the change wrought in the conversion of a soul, when God's word and Spirit are sent to melt it and restore it to itself.

Chapter Summary


This psalm is thought to be written by David, and according to Theodoret predicts the return of the Jews from Babylon, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem by Zerubbabel, which seems to be grounded on Ps 147:2; though the words there agree well enough with the times of David; hence the title in the Septuagint, Ethiopic, Arabic, and Syriac versions, and Apollinarius, is as the preceding; the Syriac adds,

``concerning Zerubbabel and Joshua the priest, and Ezra, who were solicitous and diligent in building Jerusalem.''

Aben Ezra and other Jewish writers think it foretells the future rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the restoration of the Jews from their present captivity, and refer it to the times of the Messiah; and so far it may be right, that it respects Christ and the praise of him, on account of his nature and works; and may take in the conversion of the Jews. It seems to be written by the same person, and on the same account, as the preceding psalm.

Salmos 147 Commentaries

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