Joel 2:12-13

12 Aun ahoradeclara el SEÑOR volved a mí de todo corazón, con ayuno, llanto y lamento.
13 Rasgad vuestro corazón y no vuestros vestidos; volved ahora al SEÑOR vuestro Dios, porque El es compasivo y clemente, lento para la ira, abundante en misericordia, y se arrepiente de infligir el mal.

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Joel 2:12-13 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter a further account is given of the judgment of the locusts and caterpillars, or of those who are designed by them, Joe 2:1-11; the people of the Jews are called to repentance, humiliation, and fasting, urged from the grace and goodness of God, his jealousy and pity for his people, and the answer of prayer that might he expected from him upon this, even to the removal of the calamity, Joe 2:12-20; a prophecy of good things, both temporal and spiritual, in the times of the Messiah, is delivered out as matter and occasion of great joy, Joe 2:21-27; and another concerning the effusion of the Spirit, which was fulfilled an the day of Pentecost, Joe 2:28-29; and the chapter is concluded with the judgments and desolations that should come upon the land of Judea after this, for their rejection of Christ, though the remnant according to the election of grace should be delivered and saved from the general destruction, Joe 2:30-32.

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