Jesaja 24

1 Siehe, der HERR macht das Land leer und wüst und wirft um, was darin ist, und zerstreut seine Einwohner.
2 Und es geht dem Priester wie dem Volk, dem Herrn wie dem Knecht, der Frau wie der Magd, dem Verkäufer wie dem Käufer, dem Leiher wie dem Borger, dem Mahnenden wie dem Schuldner.
3 Denn das Land wird leer und beraubt sein; denn der HERR hat solches geredet.
4 Das Land steht jämmerlich und verderbt; der Erdboden nimmt ab und verdirbt; die Höchsten des Volks im Lande nehmen ab.
5 Das Land ist entheiligt von seinen Einwohnern; denn sie übertreten das Gesetz und ändern die Gebote und lassen fahren den ewigen Bund.
6 Darum frißt der Fluch das Land; denn sie verschulden's, die darin wohnen. Darum verdorren die Einwohner des Landes, also daß wenig Leute übrigbleiben.
7 Der Most verschwindet, der Weinstock verschmachtet; und alle, die von Herzen fröhlich waren, seufzen.
8 Die Freude der Pauken feiert, das Jauchzen der Fröhlichen ist aus, und die Freude der Harfe hat ein Ende.
9 Man singt nicht mehr beim Weintrinken, und gutes Getränk ist bitter denen, die es trinken.
10 Die leere Stadt ist zerbrochen; alle Häuser sind zugeschlossen, daß niemand hineingeht.
11 Man klagt um den Wein auf den Gassen, daß alle Freude weg ist, alle Wonne des Landes dahin ist.
12 Eitel Wüstung ist in der Stadt geblieben, und die Tore stehen öde. {~}
13 Denn es geht im Lande und im Volk eben, wie wenn ein Ölbaum abgepflückt ist, wie wenn man nachliest, so die Weinernte aus ist.
14 Dieselben heben ihre Stimme auf und rühmen und jauchzen vom Meer her über der Herrlichkeit des HERRN.
15 So preiset nun den HERRN in den Gründen, in den Inseln des Meeres den Namen des HERRN, des Gottes Israels.
16 Wir hören Lobgesänge vom Ende der Erde zu Ehren dem Gerechten. Und ich muß sagen: Wie bin ich aber so elend! wie bin ich aber so elend! Weh mir! denn es rauben die Räuber, ja immerfort rauben die Räuber.
17 Darum kommt über euch, Bewohner der Erde, Schrecken, Grube und Strick.
18 Und ob einer entflöhe vor dem Geschrei des Schreckens, so wird er doch in die Grube fallen; kommt er aus der Grube, so wird er doch im Strick gefangen werden. Denn die Fenster der Höhe sind aufgetan, und die Grundfesten der Erde beben.
19 Es wird die Erde mit Krachen zerbrechen, zerbersten und zerfallen. {~} {~}
20 Die Erde wird taumelm wie ein Trunkener und wird hin und her geworfen wie ein Hängebett; denn ihre Missetat drückt sie, daß sie fallen muß und kann nicht stehenbleiben.
21 Zu der Zeit wird der HERR heimsuchen das hohe Heer, das in der Höhe ist, und die Könige der Erde, die auf Erden sind,
22 daß sie versammelt werden als Gefangene in die Grube und verschlossen werden im Kerker und nach langer Zeit wieder heimgesucht werden.
23 Und der Mond wird sich schämen, und die Sonne mit Schanden bestehen, wenn der HERR Zebaoth König sein wird auf dem Berge Zion und zu Jerusalem und vor seinen Ältesten in der Herrlichkeit.

Jesaja 24 Commentary

Chapter 24

The desolation of the land. (1-12) A few shall be preserved. (13-15) God's kingdom advanced by his judgments. (16-23)

Verses 1-12 All whose treasures and happiness are laid up on earth, will soon be brought to want and misery. It is good to apply to ourselves what the Scripture says of the vanity and vexation of spirit which attend all things here below. Sin has turned the earth upside down; the earth is become quite different to man, from what it was when God first made it to be his habitation. It is, at the best, like a flower, which withers in the hands of those that please themselves with it, and lay it in their bosoms. The world we live in is a world of disappointment, a vale of tears; the children of men in it are but of few days, and full of trouble, See the power of God's curse, how it makes all empty, and lays waste all ranks and conditions. Sin brings these calamities upon the earth; it is polluted by the sins of men, therefore it is made desolate by God's judgments. Carnal joy will soon be at end, and the end of it is heaviness. God has many ways to imbitter wine and strong drink to those who love them; distemper of body, anguish of mind, and the ruin of the estate, will make strong drink bitter, and the delights of sense tasteless. Let men learn to mourn for sin, and rejoice in God; then no man, no event, can take their joy from them.

Verses 13-15 There shall be a remnant preserved from the general ruin, and it shall be a devout and pious remnant. These few are dispersed; like the gleanings of the olive tree, hid under the leaves. The Lord knows those that are his; the world does not. When the mirth of carnal worldlings ceases, the joy of the saints is as lively as ever, because the covenant of grace, the fountain of their comforts, and the foundation of their hopes, never fails. Those who rejoice in the Lord can rejoice in tribulation, and by faith may triumph when all about them are in tears. They encourage their fellow-sufferers to do likewise, even those who are in the furnace of affliction. Or, in the valleys, low, dark, miry places. In every fire, even the hottest, in every place, even the remotest, let us keep up our good thoughts of God. If none of these trials move us, then we glorify the Lord in the fires.

Verses 16-23 Believers may be driven into the uttermost parts of the earth; but they are singing, not sighing. Here is terror to sinners; the prophet laments the miseries he saw breaking in like a torrent; and the small number of believers. He foresees that sin would abound. The meaning is plain, that evil pursues sinners. Unsteady, uncertain are all these things. Worldly men think to dwell in the earth as in a palace, as in a castle; but it shall be removed like a cottage, like a lodge put up for the night. It shall fall and not rise again; but there shall be new heavens and a new earth, in which shall dwell nothing but righteousness. Sin is a burden to the whole creation; it is a heavy burden, under which it groans now, and will sink at last. The high ones, that are puffed up with their grandeur, that think themselves out of the reach of danger, God will visit for their pride and cruelty. Let us judge nothing before the time, though some shall be visited. None in this world should be secure, though their condition be ever so prosperous; nor need any despair, though their condition be ever so deplorable. God will be glorified in all this. But the mystery of Providence is not yet finished. The ruin of the Redeemer's enemies must make way for his kingdom, and then the Sun of Righteousness will appear in full glory. Happy are those who take warning by the sentence against others; every impenitent sinner will sink under his transgression, and rise no more, while believers enjoy everlasting bliss.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains a prophecy of calamities that should come upon the whole world, and the inhabitants of it, for their sins; of the preservation of a remnant; of the visitation of the kings of the earth; and of the appearance of Christ in his glory and majesty. The miserable condition of the world, and its inhabitants, especially all within the Romish jurisdiction, is set forth by various phrases, Isa 24:1-4 the causes of which are the transgression and mutation of the laws and ordinances of Christ, Isa 24:5 the effects of which are the cursing and burning of the inhabitants, Isa 24:6 cessation of all joy among them, Isa 24:7-9 and the destruction of their chief city, Rome, Isa 24:10-12 then follows a prophecy of a remnant that shall escape, and be brought into a very comfortable condition, and sing for joy, and glorify God in the midst of the earth, and in the uttermost parts of it, Isa 24:13-16 but it is intimated it shall go ill with others for their perfidy and treachery; fear and danger shall attend them everywhere, Isa 24:16-18 yea, in the issue, the world shall be shaken, and moved and removed, and be utterly dissolved, fall and not rise more, Isa 24:19,20 when the kings and great ones of the earth shall be taken prisoners, and punished by the Lord, Isa 24:21,22 and then Christ shall take to himself his great power, and reign with his people gloriously in the New Jerusalem state, Isa 24:23.

Jesaja 24 Commentaries

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