Apocalipse 10

O Anjo e o Livro

1 Então vi outro anjo poderoso, que descia dos céus. Ele estava envolto numa nuvem, e havia um arco-íris acima de sua cabeça. Sua face era como o sol, e suas pernas eram como colunas de fogo.
2 Ele segurava um livrinho, que estava aberto em sua mão. Colocou o pé direito sobre o mar e o pé esquerdo sobre a terra,
3 e deu um alto brado, como o rugido de um leão. Quando ele bradou, os sete trovões falaram.
4 Logo que os sete trovões falaram, eu estava prestes a escrever, mas ouvi uma voz dos céus, que disse: “Sele o que disseram os sete trovões, mas não o escreva”.
5 Então o anjo que eu tinha visto em pé sobre o mar e sobre a terra levantou a mão direita para o céu
6 e jurou por aquele que vive para todo o sempre, que criou os céus e tudo o que neles há, a terra e tudo o que nela há, e o mar e tudo o que nele há, dizendo: “Não haverá mais demora!
7 Mas, nos dias em que o sétimo anjo estiver para tocar sua trombeta, vai cumprir-se o mistério de Deus, como ele o anunciou aos seus servos, os profetas”.
8 Depois falou comigo mais uma vez a voz que eu tinha ouvido falar dos céus: “Vá, pegue o livro[a] aberto que está na mão do anjo que se encontra em pé sobre o mar e sobre a terra”.
9 Assim me aproximei do anjo e lhe pedi que me desse o livrinho. Ele me disse: “Pegue-o e coma-o! Ele será amargo em seu estômago, mas em sua boca será doce como mel”.
10 Peguei o livrinho da mão do anjo e o comi. Ele me pareceu doce como mel em minha boca; mas, ao comê-lo, senti que o meu estômago ficou amargo.
11 Então me foi dito: “É preciso que você profetize de novo acerca de muitos povos, nações, línguas e reis”.

Apocalipse 10 Commentary

Chapter 10

The Angel of the covenant presents a little open book, which is followed with seven thunders. (1-4) At the end of the following prophecies, time should be no more. (5-7) A voice directs the apostle to eat the book; (8-10) and tells him he must prophesy further. (11)

Verses 1-7 The apostle saw another representation. The person communicating this discovery probably was our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, or it was to show his glory. He veils his glory, which is too great for mortal eyes to behold; and throws a veil upon his dispensations. A rainbow was upon his head; our Lord is always mindful of his covenant. His awful voice was echoed by seven thunders; solemn and terrible ways of discovering the mind of God. We know not the subjects of the seven thunders, nor the reasons for suppressing them. There are great events in history, perhaps relating to the Christian church, which are not noticed in open prophecy. The final salvation of the righteous, and the final success of true religion on earth, are engaged for by the unfailing word of the Lord. Though the time may not be yet, it cannot be far distant. Very soon, as to us, time will be no more; but if we are believers, a happy eternity will follow: we shall from heaven behold and rejoice in the triumphs of Christ, and his cause on earth.

Verses 8-11 Most men feel pleasure in looking into future events, and all good men like to receive a word from God. But when this book of prophecy was thoroughly digested by the apostle, the contents would be bitter; there were things so awful and terrible, such grievous persecutions of the people of God, such desolations in the earth, that the foresight and foreknowledge of them would be painful to his mind. Let us seek to be taught by Christ, and to obey his orders; daily meditating on his word, that it may nourish our souls; and then declaring it according to our several stations. The sweetness of such contemplations will often be mingled with bitterness, while we compare the Scriptures with the state of the world and the church, or even with that of our own hearts.

Footnotes 1

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains a vision of an angel of a wonderful appearance, the voices of the seven thunders, and an order to John to take the book in the hand of the angel, eat it, and prophesy. The angel is described by his strength, a mighty one; by his descent from heaven; by his attire, being clothed with a cloud; by a rainbow on his head; by his face being like the sun; by his feet, which were as pillars of fire, the one foot set on the sea, and the other on the earth; by having a little book open in his hand, and by the loud cry he made, like the roaring of a lion, Re 10:1-3, upon which seven thunders uttered their voices, which John was going to write, but was forbid, Re 10:4; next follows a solemn oath of the angers; the gesture he used, lifting up his hand to heaven; the person by whom he swore, the living God; what he swore to, that time should be no more, and that the mystery of God would be finished at the beginning of the seventh trumpet, Re 10:5-7; then several orders are given to John, as to take the open book in the hand of the angel, which he did, to eat it, as he accordingly did; when he found it to be as it was told him it would be, namely, sweet in his mouth, but bitter in his belly; and then to prophesy again before people, nations, tongues, and kings, Re 10:8-11.

Apocalipse 10 Commentaries

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