Salmos 48

Um cântico. Salmo dos coraítas.

1 Grande é o SENHOR, e digno de todo louvorna cidade do nosso Deus.
2 Seu santo monte, belo e majestoso,é a alegria de toda a terra.Como as alturas do Zafom[a] é o monte Sião,a cidade do grande Rei.
3 Nas suas cidadelasDeus se revela como sua proteção.
4 Vejam! Os reis somaram forças,e juntos avançaram contra ela.
5 Quando a viram, ficaram atônitos,fugiram aterrorizados.
6 Ali mesmo o pavor os dominou;contorceram-se como a mulher no parto.
7 Foste como o vento orientalquando destruiu os navios de Társis.
8 Como já temos ouvido,agora também temos vistona cidade do SENHOR dos Exércitos,na cidade de nosso Deus:Deus a preserva firme para sempre.
9 No teu templo, ó Deus,meditamos em teu amor leal.
10 Como o teu nome, ó Deus,o teu louvor alcança os confins da terra;a tua mão direita está cheia de justiça.
11 O monte Sião se alegra,as cidades[b] de Judá exultampor causa das tuas decisões justas.
12 Percorram Sião, contornando-a,contem as suas torres,
13 observem bem as suas muralhas,examinem as suas cidadelas,para que vocês falem à próxima geração
14 que este Deus é o nosso Deus para todo o sempre;ele será o nosso guia até o fim.[c]

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Salmos 48 Commentary

Chapter 48

The glories of the church of Christ.

Verses 1-7 Jerusalem is the city of our God: none on earth render him due honour except the citizens of the spiritual Jerusalem. Happy the kingdom, the city, the family, the heart, in which God is great, in which he is all. There God is known. The clearer discoveries are made to us of the Lord and his greatness, the more it is expected that we should abound in his praises. The earth is, by sin, covered with deformity, therefore justly might that spot of ground, which was beautified with holiness, be called the joy of the whole earth; that which the whole earth has reason to rejoice in, that God would thus in very deed dwell with man upon the earth. The kings of the earth were afraid of it. Nothing in nature can more fitly represent the overthrow of heathenism by the Spirit of the gospel, than the wreck of a fleet in a storm. Both are by the mighty power of the Lord.

Verses 8-14 We have here the improvement which the people of God are to make of his glorious and gracious appearances for them. Let our faith in the word of God be hereby confirmed. Let our hope of the stability of the church be encouraged. Let our minds be filled with good thoughts of God. All the streams of mercy that flow down to us, must be traced to the fountain of His loving-kindness. Let us give to God the glory of the great things he has done for us. Let all the members of the church take comfort from what the Lord does for his church. Let us observe the beauty, strength, and safety of the church. Consider its strength; see it founded on Christ the Rock, fortified by the Divine power, guarded by Him who neither slumbers nor sleeps. See what precious ordinances are its palaces, what precious promises are its bulwarks, that you may be encouraged to join yourselves to it: and tell this to others. This God, who has now done such great things for us, is unchangeable in his love to us, and his care for us. If he is our God, he will lead and keep us even to the last. He will so guide us, as to set us above the reach of death, so that it shall not do us any real hurt. He will lead us to a life in which there shall be no more death.

Footnotes 3

  • [a]. Zafom refere-se ou a um monte sagrado ou à direção norte.
  • [b]. Hebraico: "filhas."
  • [c]. Ou "até à morte"

Chapter Summary


\\<>\\. This psalm is entitled a "song psalm", a psalm to be sung vocally; or "a song and psalm" to be sung both vocally and instrumentally; and is one of the spiritual songs the apostle speaks of, Eph 5:19; It was occasioned, as some think, by David's spoiling the Philistines, 2Sa 5:17-21; or, as others, by the deliverance of the people from the Moabites and Ammonites in the times of Jehoshaphat, 2Ch 20:27,28; or, as others, by the deliverance of the inhabitants of Jerusalem from Sennacherib in the times of Hezekiah, 2Ki 19:34,35; though as Kimchi, a celebrated Jewish commentator, owns, it belongs to the times of the Messiah, as the other preceding psalms; and treats of his greatness, and of the praise and glory due to him, and gives large encomiums of his church.

Salmos 48 Commentaries

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