Genesis 39:7-17

7 And it fortuned after this that his masters wife cast hir eyes vpon Ioseph and sayde come lye with me.
8 But he denyed and sayde to her: Beholde my master woteth not what he hath in the house with me but hath commytted all that he hath to my hande
9 He him selfe is not greatter in the house than I ad hath kepte nothige fro me but only the because thou art his wife. How than cam I do this great wykydnes for to synne agaynst God?
10 And after this maner spake she to Ioseph daye by daye: but he harkened not vnto her to slepe nere her or to be in her company.
11 And it fortuned aboute the same season that Ioseph entred in to the house to do his busynes: and there was none of the houshold by in the house.
12 And she caught him by the garment saynge: come slepe with me. And he left his garment in hir hande ad fled and gott him out
13 when she sawe that he had left his garmet in hir hande and was fled out
14 she called vnto the men of the house and tolde them saynge: Se he hath brought in an Hebrewe vnto vs to do vs shame. for he came in to me for to haue slept myth me. But I cried with a lowde voyce.
15 And when he harde that I lyfte vp my voyce and cryed he left his garment with me and fled awaye and got him out.
16 And she layed vp his garment by her vntill hir lorde came home.
17 And she told him acordynge to these wordes saynge. This Hebrues servaunte which thou hast brought vnto vs came in to me to do me shame.

Genesis 39:7-17 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter the history returns to Joseph again, who being brought down to Egypt was sold to Potiphar, with whom he found favour, and who set him over his house, the Lord prospering everything in his hands, Ge 39:1-6; and being a young man of a comely aspect, his mistress lusted after him, and tempted him to lie with her from time to time, but he as constantly refused it, as being both ingratitude to his master, and a sin against God, Ge 39:7-10; at a certain time they being alone in the house, she renewed her solicitations, and laid hold on his garment, which he left in her hand and fled, Ge 39:11,12; upon which she called to her servants without, and accused Joseph of an ill design upon her, and reported the same to her husband when he came home, Ge 39:13-19; upon which his master put him into prison, but he found favour also with the keeper of it, who committed the prisoners and all things relative to them into his hands, Ge 39:20-23.

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