Hébreux 4:7-16

7 Dieu détermine de nouveau un certain jour, par ce mot: Aujourd'hui, disant par David, si longtemps après, comme il est dit plus haut: Aujourd'hui si vous entendez sa voix, n'endurcissez point vos cœurs.
8 Car si Josué les eût introduits dans le repos, Dieu ne parlerait pas après cela d'un autre jour.
9 Il reste donc au peuple de Dieu un repos de sabbat.
10 Car celui qui est entré dans son repos, se repose aussi de ses œuvres, comme Dieu des siennes.
11 Efforçons-nous donc d'entrer dans ce repos, de peur que quelqu'un ne tombe dans une semblable rébellion.
12 Car la parole de Dieu est vivante, et efficace, et plus pénétrante qu'aucune épée à deux tranchants, perçant jusqu'à la division de l'âme et de l'esprit, des jointures et des mœlles, et jugeant des pensées et des intentions du cœur;
13 Et il n'y a aucune créature qui soit cachée devant Lui, mais toutes choses sont nues et entièrement découvertes aux yeux de celui auquel nous devons rendre compte.
14 Puis donc que nous avons un grand souverain Sacrificateur, qui a traversé les cieux, Jésus, le Fils de Dieu, retenons ferme notre profession.
15 Car nous n'avons pas un souverain Sacrificateur qui ne puisse compatir à nos infirmités, au contraire, il a été éprouvé en toutes choses, comme nous, mais sans péché.
16 Allons donc avec confiance au trône de la grâce, afin d'obtenir miséricorde et de trouver grâce, pour être secourus dans le temps convenable.

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Hébreux 4:7-16 Meaning and Commentary


From the punishment inflicted on the unbelieving Hebrews, who died in the wilderness, and entered not into the land of rest made mention of in the preceding chapter, the apostle proceeds to caution the present Hebrews of his time, and who professed faith in Christ, lest seeing there was a rest, and a promise of entering into it, they should seem to come short of it, Heb 4:1, and the rather, since they that fell in the wilderness had the Gospel preached to them as well as they; and the reason why it did not profit was, because it was not received by faith, Heb 4:2 as also seeing it is by faith that believers now enter into rest, Heb 4:3 which rest is not the rest of the seventh day, on which God rested; nor, the rest of the land of Canaan, which Joshua led the Israelites into; for if he had entered them into the rest the apostle means, David, so many hundred years after him, would not have made mention of another rest, Heb 4:4-8 wherefore it follows that there is another rest for the people of God, which he that enters into ceases from his own works, as God did from his, Heb 4:9,10 and this is the rest that everyone that professes faith in Christ, should be solicitous and diligent to enter into, lest he should fall short of it through unbelief; as the unbelieving Israelites did of their rest, Heb 4:11 and the arguments engaging to such a concern are taken from the properties and perfections of Christ, the essential Word of God; particularly from his omnipotence and his omniscience, Heb 4:12,13. And seeing he is by nature the Son of God, and by office a great high priest that is entered into heaven for his people, the encouragement is great to hold fast the profession of faith in him they have made, Heb 4:14 and the rather since he is a sympathizing high priest, as he must needs be, since he has been tempted, afflicted, and has suffered every way as his people, and is in all respects like them, excepting that he has no sin, Heb 4:15 and this consideration should engage believers to come to the throne of grace with all boldness, and in expectation of having grace and mercy bestowed on them for the supply of their daily wants, Heb 4:16.

The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.