Proverbi 23

1 Quando ti siedi a mensa con un principe, rifletti bene a chi ti sta dinanzi;
2 e mettiti un coltello alla gola, se tu sei ingordo.
3 Non bramare i suoi bocconi delicati; sono un cibo ingannatore.
4 Non t’affannare per diventar ricco, smetti dall’applicarvi la tua intelligenza
5 Vuoi tu fissar lo sguardo su ciò che scompare? Giacché la ricchezza si fa dell’ali, come l’aquila che vola verso il cielo.
6 Non mangiare il pane di chi ha l’occhio maligno e non bramare i suoi cibi delicati;
7 poiché, nell’intimo suo, egli è calcolatore: "Mangia e bevi!" ti dirà; ma il cuor suo non è con te.
8 Vomiterai il boccone che avrai mangiato, e avrai perduto le tue belle parole.
9 Non rivolger la parola allo stolto, perché sprezzerà il senno de’ tuoi discorsi.
10 Non spostare il termine antico, e non entrare nei campi degli orfani;
11 ché il Vindice loro è potente; egli difenderà la causa loro contro di te.
12 Applica il tuo cuore all’istruzione, e gli orecchi alle parole della scienza.
13 Non risparmiare la correzione al fanciullo; se lo batti con la verga, non ne morrà;
14 lo batterai con la verga, ma libererai l’anima sua dal soggiorno de’ morti
15 Figliuol mio, se il tuo cuore e savio, anche il mio cuore si rallegrerà;
16 le viscere mie esulteranno quando le tue labbra diranno cose rette.
17 Il tuo cuore non porti invidia ai peccatori, ma perseveri sempre nel timor dell’Eterno;
18 poiché c’è un avvenire, e la tua speranza non sarà frustrata.
19 Ascolta, figliuol mio, sii savio, e dirigi il cuore per la diritta via
20 Non esser di quelli che son bevitori di vino, che son ghiotti mangiatori di carne;
21 ché il beone ed il ghiotto impoveriranno e i dormiglioni n’andran vestiti di cenci
22 Da’ retta a tuo padre che t’ha generato, e non disprezzar tua madre quando sarà vecchia.
23 Acquista verità e non la vendere, acquista sapienza, istruzione e intelligenza.
24 Il padre del giusto esulta grandemente; chi ha generato un savio, ne avrà gioia.
25 Possan tuo padre e tua madre rallegrarsi, e possa gioire colei che t’ha partorito!
26 Figliuol mio, dammi il tuo cuore, e gli occhi tuoi prendano piacere nelle mie vie;
27 perché la meretrice è una fossa profonda, e la straniera, un pozzo stretto.
28 Anch’essa sta in agguato come un ladro, e accresce fra gli uomini il numero de’ traditori.
29 Per chi sono gli "ahi"? per chi gli "ahimè"? per chi le liti? per chi i lamenti? per chi le ferite senza ragione? per chi gli occhi rossi?
30 Per chi s’indugia a lungo presso il vino, per quei che vanno a gustare il vin drogato.
31 Non guardare il vino quando rosseggia, quando scintilla nel calice e va giù così facilmente!
32 Alla fine, esso morde come un serpente e punge come un basilisco.
33 I tuoi occhi vedranno cose strane, il tuo cuore farà dei discorsi pazzi.
34 Sarai come chi giace in mezzo al mare, come chi giace in cima a un albero di nave.
35 Dirai: "M’hanno picchiato… e non m’han fatto male; m’hanno percosso… e non me ne sono accorto; quando mi sveglierò?… tornerò a cercarne ancora!"

Images for Proverbi 23

Proverbi 23 Commentary

Chapter 23

Verses 1-3 God's restraints of the appetite only say, Do thyself no ( proverbs 23:4-5 ) this world are not happiness and a portion for a soul; those that hold them ever so fast, cannot hold them always, cannot hold them long. ( 6-8 ) . Do not make thyself burdensome to any, especially those not sincere. When we are called by God to his feast, and to let our souls delight themselves, Isa. 25:6 Isa. 55:2 |, we may safely partake of the Bread of life. Verse 9 . It is our duty to take all fit occasions to speak of Divine things; but if what a wise man says will not be heard, let him hold his ( proverbs 23:10-11 ) protection. He is their Redeemer, who will take their part; and he is mighty, almighty.

Verses 12-16 Here is a parent instructing his child to give his mind to the Scriptures. Here is a parent correcting his child: accompanied with prayer, and blessed of God, it may prove a means of preventing his destruction. Here is a parent encouraging his child, telling him what would be for his good. And what a comfort it would be, if herein he answered his ( proverbs 23:17-18 ) disappointed; the end of his trials, and of the sinner's prosperity, is at hand.

Verses 19-28 The gracious Saviour who purchased pardon and peace for his people, with all the affection of a tender parent, counsels us to hear and be wise, and is ready to guide our hearts in his way. Here we have an earnest call to young people, to attend to the advice of their godly parents. If the heart be guided, the steps will be guided. Buy the truth, and sell it not; be willing to part with any thing for it. Do not part with it for pleasures, honours, riches, or any thing in this world. The heart is what the great God requires. We must not think to divide the heart between God and the world; he will have all or none. Look to the rule of God's word, the conduct of his providence, and the good examples of his people. Particular cautions are given against sins most destructive to wisdom and grace in the soul. It is really a shame to make a god of the belly. Drunkenness stupifies men, and then all goes to ruin. Licentiousness takes away the heart that should be given to God. Take heed of any approaches toward this sin, it is very hard to retreat from it. It bewitches men to their ruin.

Verses 29-35 Solomon warns against drunkenness. Those that would be kept from sin, must keep from all the beginnings of it, and fear coming within reach of its allurements. Foresee the punishment, what it will at last end in, if repentance prevent not. It makes men quarrel. Drunkards wilfully make woe and sorrow for themselves. It makes men impure and insolent. The tongue grows unruly; the heart utters things contrary to reason, religion, and common civility. It stupifies and besots men. They are in danger of death, of damnation; as much exposed as if they slept upon the top of a mast, yet feel secure. They fear no peril when the terrors of the Lord are before them; they feel no pain when the judgments of God are actually upon them. So lost is a drunkard to virtue and honour, so wretchedly is his conscience seared, that he is not ashamed to say, I will seek it again. With good reason we were bid to stop before the beginning. Who that has common sense would contract a habit, or sell himself to a sin, which tends to such guilt and misery, and exposes a man every day to the danger of dying insensible, and awaking in hell? Wisdom seems in these chapters to take up the discourse as at the beginning of the book. They must be considered as the words of Christ to the sinner.

Chapter Summary


This chapter relates the false steps Solomon took, notwithstanding all his wisdom, in marrying strange wives, and worshipping other gods, 1Ki 11:1-8 upon which the Lord threatens him to rend the kingdom in his son's time, 1Ki 11:9-13 and he raised up adversaries against him, Hadad, Rezon, and Jeroboam, 1Ki 11:14-26 of which last an account is given, and of his being assured by Ahijah the prophet of his having ten of the tribes of Israel given to him; which Solomon having notice of sought to slay him, 1Ki 11:27-40 and the chapter is concluded with an account of Solomon's death and burial, 1Ki 11:41-43.

Proverbi 23 Commentaries

The Riveduta Bible is in the public domain.