1 Corinthians 12:10

10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,[a] and to still another the interpretation of tongues.[b]

1 Corinthians 12:10 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
English Standard Version (ESV)
10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.
New Living Translation (NLT)
10 He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and another the ability to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to discern whether a message is from the Spirit of God or from another spirit. Still another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, while another is given the ability to interpret what is being said.
The Message Bible (MSG)
10 miraculous acts proclamation distinguishing between spirits tongues interpretation of tongues.
American Standard Version (ASV)
10 and to another workings of miracles; and to another prophecy; and to another discernings of spirits; to another [divers] kinds of tongues; and to another the interpretation of tongues:
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
10 Another can work miracles. Another can speak what God has revealed. Another can tell the difference between spirits. Another can speak in different kinds of languages. Another can interpret languages.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
10 to another, the performing of miracles, to another, prophecy, to another, distinguishing between spirits, to another, different kinds of languages, to another, interpretation of languages.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
10 To others he gives the power to do miracles. To others he gives the ability to prophesy. To others he gives the ability to tell the spirits apart. To others he gives the ability to speak in different kinds of languages they had not known before. And to still others he gives the ability to explain what was said in those languages.

1 Corinthians 12:10 Meaning and Commentary

1 Corinthians 12:10

To another the working of miracles
Or "powers": mighty deeds, wonderful works, such as are apparently above, and out of the reach of nature, and beyond the compass of human power and skill; such as raising the dead, causing the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, the lame to walk, and the like; of which, see some instances in ( Acts 3:6 ) ( 9:41 ) ( 14:8-10 ) ( Acts 20:9 Acts 20:10 ) . Though others understand by these the extraordinary powers the apostles had of punishing offenders; of which the striking Ananias and Sapphira dead, by Peter, the smiting Elymas the sorcerer with blindness, by Paul, and the delivering the incestuous person, and Hymenaeus, and Alexander, to Satan, by the same apostle, are instances.

To another prophecy:
either foretelling of future events, as was given to Agabus, and the four daughters of Philip, and others, ( Acts 11:27 Acts 11:28 ) ( Acts 21:9 Acts 21:10 ) or a gift of understanding the prophecies of the Old Testament, and of preaching the Gospel, which is in this epistle frequently called "prophesying", particularly in the two following chapters; and those endowed with it are called prophets, ( Acts 13:1 ) ( Ephesians 4:11 ) ( 1 Corinthians 14:29 1 Corinthians 14:32 1 Corinthians 14:37 ) .

To another discerning of spirits;
by which gift such that were possessed of it could, in some measure, discern the hearts of men, their thoughts, purposes, and designs, their secret dissimulation and hypocrisy; as Peter, by this gift, discerned the dissimulation and lying of Ananias and Sapphira; and by it they could also tell whether a man that made a profession of religion had the truth of grace in him, or not; so Peter knew hereby that Simon Magus was in the gall of bitterness, and bond of iniquity, notwithstanding his specious pretences to faith and holiness, whereby he imposed upon Philip the evangelist, who might not have this gift of discerning spirits; by which also they could distinguish the Spirit of God from the lying spirits in men; of which there is an instance, ( Acts 15:17 Acts 15:18 ) .

To another divers kinds of tongues;
whereby such could speak all manner of languages, which they had never learned, understood, and been used to: this Christ promised his disciples, when he sent them into all the world to preach the Gospel, ( Mark 16:16 Mark 16:17 ) and so anticipates an objection they otherwise might have made, how they should be able to preach it to all, so as to be understood, when they were not acquainted with the languages of all nations; an instance of which we have in the apostles on the day of Pentecost, ( Acts 2:4 ) and which continued many years after with them, and other persons in the churches; see ( 1 Corinthians 13:2 ) ( 1 Corinthians 14:5 1 Corinthians 14:22 ) .

To another the interpretation of tongues;
one that had this gift, when a discourse was delivered in an unknown tongue, used to stand up and interpret it to the people, without which it could be of no use to them; and sometimes a person was gifted to speak in an unknown tongue, and yet was not capable of interpreting his discourse truly and distinctly in that the people understood: see ( 1 Corinthians 14:13 ) . The rules to be observed in such cases, and by such persons, see in ( 1 Corinthians 14:27 1 Corinthians 14:28 ) .

1 Corinthians 12:10 In-Context

8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit,
9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit,
10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues.
11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.
12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.

Cross References 4

Footnotes 2

  • [a]. Or "languages" ; also in verse 28
  • [b]. Or "languages" ; also in verse 28
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