1 Samuel 22:10

10 Ahimelek inquired of the LORD for him; he also gave him provisions and the sword of Goliath the Philistine.”

1 Samuel 22:10 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
10 And he enquired of the LORD for him, and gave him victuals, and gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine.
English Standard Version (ESV)
10 and he inquired of the LORD for him and gave him provisions and gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine."
New Living Translation (NLT)
10 Ahimelech consulted the LORD for him. Then he gave him food and the sword of Goliath the Philistine.”
The Message Bible (MSG)
10 I saw Ahimelech pray with him for God's guidance, give him food, and arm him with the sword of Goliath the Philistine."
American Standard Version (ASV)
10 And he inquired of Jehovah for him, and gave him victuals, and gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
10 Ahimelech prayed to the LORD for David and gave him food and the sword of Goliath the Philistine."
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
10 Ahimelech inquired of the Lord for him and gave him provisions. He also gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine."
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
10 Ahimelech asked the LORD a question for David. He also gave him food and the sword of Goliath, the Philistine."

1 Samuel 22:10 Meaning and Commentary

1 Samuel 22:10

And he inquired of the Lord for him
Which not being expressed before, some have taken it to be a lie of Doeg's, he being charged with lying by David, ( Psalms 52:3 Psalms 52:4 ) ( Psalms 120:2 Psalms 120:3 ) ; but it is not at all improbable that David should desire him to inquire of the Lord for him, and that he did; and he seems to acknowledge it, ( 1 Samuel 22:15 ) ; but according to the Jewish writers Doeg meant by this to prove a charge of treason both against David and Ahimelech; that the former made himself king, and the latter owned him to be so, since inquiry by Urim and Thummim was not made for a private person, but for a king F5:

and gave him victuals;
hallowed bread, loaves of shewbread, which none but priests might eat of; such was his kindness to him:

and gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine;
which David took from him, and slew him with it. All this was true, but then he acted the deceitful part, with which he is charged in the above psalms, in not declaring how David had imposed upon the priest, by pretending he was sent in haste on the king's business; which was the reason he was so ill provided with servants, food, and armour; which if Doeg had reported faithfully, as he ought to have done, would have saved the credit and life of the priest, and of his family.


F5 Misn. Yoma, c. 7. sect. 5.

1 Samuel 22:10 In-Context

8 Is that why you have all conspired against me? No one tells me when my son makes a covenant with the son of Jesse. None of you is concerned about me or tells me that my son has incited my servant to lie in wait for me, as he does today.”
9 But Doeg the Edomite, who was standing with Saul’s officials, said, “I saw the son of Jesse come to Ahimelek son of Ahitub at Nob.
10 Ahimelek inquired of the LORD for him; he also gave him provisions and the sword of Goliath the Philistine.”
11 Then the king sent for the priest Ahimelek son of Ahitub and all the men of his family, who were the priests at Nob, and they all came to the king.
12 Saul said, “Listen now, son of Ahitub.” “Yes, my lord,” he answered.

Cross References 3

  • 1. S Genesis 25:22; S 1 Samuel 23:2; Numbers 27:21; 1 Samuel 10:22
  • 2. S 1 Samuel 21:6
  • 3. S 1 Samuel 17:51
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