Atos 4

1 Enquanto eles estavam falando ao povo, sobrevieram-lhes os sacerdotes, o capitão do templo e os saduceus,
2 doendo-se muito de que eles ensinassem o povo, e anunciassem em Jesus a ressurreição dentre os mortos,
3 deitaram mão neles, e os encerraram na prisão até o dia seguinte; pois era já tarde.
4 Muitos, porém, dos que ouviram a palavra, creram, e se elevou o número dos homens a quase cinco mil.
5 No dia seguinte, reuniram-se em Jerusalém as autoridades, os anciãos, os escribas,
6 e Anás, o sumo sacerdote, e Caifás, João, Alexandre, e todos quantos eram da linhagem do sumo sacerdote.
7 E, pondo-os no meio deles, perguntaram: Com que poder ou em nome de quem fizestes vós isto?
8 Então Pedro, cheio do Espírito Santo, lhes disse: Autoridades do povo e vós, anciãos,
9 se nós hoje somos inquiridos acerca do benefício feito a um enfermo, e do modo como foi curado,
10 seja conhecido de vós todos, e de todo o povo de Israel, que em nome de Jesus Cristo, o nazareno, aquele a quem vós crucificastes e a quem Deus ressuscitou dentre os mortos, nesse nome está este aqui, são diante de vós.
11 Ele é a pedra que foi rejeitada por vós, os edificadores, a qual foi posta como pedra angular.
12 E em nenhum outro há salvação; porque debaixo do céu nenhum outro nome há, dado entre os homens, em que devamos ser salvos.
13 Então eles, vendo a intrepidez de Pedro e João, e tendo percebido que eram homens iletrados e indoutos, se admiravam; e reconheciam que haviam estado com Jesus.
14 E vendo em pé com eles o homem que fora curado, nada tinham que dizer em contrário.
15 Todavia, mandando-os sair do sinédrio, conferenciaram entre si,
16 dizendo: Que havemos de fazer a estes homens? porque a todos os que habitam em Jerusalém é manifesto que por eles foi feito um sinal notório, e não o podemos negar.
17 Mas, para que não se divulgue mais entre o povo, ameacemo- los para que de ora em diante não falem neste nome a homem algum.
18 E, chamando-os, ordenaram-lhes que absolutamente não falassem nem ensinassem em nome de Jesus.
19 Mas Pedro e João, respondendo, lhes disseram: Julgai vós se é justo diante de Deus ouvir-nos antes a vós do que a Deus;
20 pois nós não podemos deixar de falar das coisas que temos visto e ouvido.
21 Mas eles ainda os ameaçaram mais, e, não achando motivo para os castigar, soltaram-nos, por causa do povo; porque todos glorificavam a Deus pelo que acontecera;
22 pois tinha mais de quarenta anos o homem em quem se operara esta cura milagrosa.
23 E soltos eles, foram para os seus, e contaram tudo o que lhes haviam dito os principais sacerdotes e os anciãos.
24 Ao ouvirem isto, levantaram unanimemente a voz a Deus e disseram: Senhor, tu que fizeste o céu, a terra, o mar, e tudo o que neles há;
25 que pelo Espírito Santo, por boca de nosso pai Davi, teu servo, disseste: Por que se enfureceram os gentios, e os povos imaginaram coisas vãs?
26 Levantaram-se os reis da terra, e as autoridades ajuntaram- se � uma, contra o Senhor e contra o seu Ungido.
27 Porque verdadeiramente se ajuntaram, nesta cidade, contra o teu santo Servo Jesus, ao qual ungiste, não só Herodes, mas também Pôncio Pilatos com os gentios e os povos de Israel;
28 para fazerem tudo o que a tua mão e o teu conselho predeterminaram que se fizesse.
29 Agora pois, ó Senhor, olha para as suas ameaças, e concede aos teus servos que falam com toda a intrepidez a tua palavra,
30 enquanto estendes a mão para curar e para que se façam sinais e prodígios pelo nome de teu santo Servo Jesus.
31 E, tendo eles orado, tremeu o lugar em que estavam reunidos; e todos foram cheios do Espírito Santo, e anunciavam com intrepidez a palavra de Deus.
32 Da multidão dos que criam, era um só o coração e uma só a alma, e ninguém dizia que coisa alguma das que possuía era sua própria, mas todas as coisas lhes eram comuns.
33 Com grande poder os apóstolos davam testemunho da ressurreição do Senhor Jesus, e em todos eles havia abundante graça.
34 Pois não havia entre eles necessitado algum; porque todos os que possuíam terras ou casas, vendendo-as, traziam o preço do que vendiam e o depositavam aos pés dos apóstolos.
35 E se repartia a qualquer um que tivesse necessidade.
36 então José, cognominado pelos apóstolos Barnabé (que quer dizer, filho de consolação), levita, natural de Chipre,
37 possuindo um campo, vendeu-o, trouxe o preço e o depositou aos pés dos apóstolos.

Images for Atos 4

Atos 4 Commentary

Chapter 4

Peter and John imprisoned. (1-4) The apostles boldly testify to Christ. (5-14) Peter and John refuse to be silenced. (15-22) The believers unite in prayer and praise. (23-31) The holy charity of the Christians. (32-37)

Verses 1-4 The apostles preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead. It includes all the happiness of the future state; this they preached through Jesus Christ, to be had through him only. Miserable is their case, to whom the glory of Christ's kingdom is a grief; for since the glory of that kingdom is everlasting, their grief will be everlasting also. The harmless and useful servants of Christ, like the apostles, have often been troubled for their work of faith and labour of love, when wicked men have escaped. And to this day instances are not wanting, in which reading the Scriptures, social prayer, and religious conversation meet with frowns and checks. But if we obey the precepts of Christ, he will support us.

Verses 5-14 Peter being filled with the Holy Ghost, would have all to understand, that the miracle had been wrought by the name, or power, of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, whom they had crucified; and this confirmed their testimony to his resurrection from the dead, which proved him to be the Messiah. These rulers must either be saved by that Jesus whom they had crucified, or they must perish for ever. The name of Jesus is given to men of every age and nation, as that whereby alone believers are saved from the wrath to come. But when covetousness, pride, or any corrupt passion, rules within, men shut their eyes, and close their hearts, in enmity against the light; considering all as ignorant and unlearned, who desire to know nothing in comparison with Christ crucified. And the followers of Christ should act so that all who converse with them, may take knowledge that they have been with Jesus. That makes them holy, heavenly, spiritual, and cheerful, and raises them above this world.

Verses 15-22 All the care of the rulers is, that the doctrine of Christ spread not among the people, yet they cannot say it is false or dangerous, or of any ill tendency; and they are ashamed to own the true reason; that it testifies against their hypocrisy, wickedness, and tyranny. Those who know how to put a just value upon Christ's promises, know how to put just contempt upon the world's threatenings. The apostles look with concern on perishing souls, and know they cannot escape eternal ruin but by Jesus Christ, therefore they are faithful in warning, and showing the right way. None will enjoy peace of mind, nor act uprightly, till they have learned to guide their conduct by the fixed standard of truth, and not by the shifting opinions and fancies of men. Especially beware of a vain attempt to serve two masters, God and the world; the end will be, you can serve neither fully.

Verses 23-31 Christ's followers do best in company, provided it is their own company. It encourages God's servants, both in doing work, and suffering work, that they serve the God who made all things, and therefore has the disposal of all events; and the Scriptures must be fulfilled. Jesus was anointed to be a Saviour, therefore it was determined he should be a sacrifice, to make atonement for sin. But sin is not the less evil for God's bringing good out of it. In threatening times, our care should not be so much that troubles may be prevented, as that we may go on with cheerfulness and courage in our work and duty. They do not pray, Lord let us go away from our work, now that it is become dangerous, but, Lord, give us thy grace to go on stedfastly in our work, and not to fear the face of man. Those who desire Divine aid and encouragement, may depend upon having them, and they ought to go forth, and go on, in the strength of the Lord God. God gave a sign of acceptance of their prayers. The place was shaken, that their faith might be established and unshaken. God gave them greater degrees of his Spirit; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, more than ever; by which they were not only encouraged, but enabled to speak the word of God with boldness. When they find the Lord God help them by his Spirit, they know they shall not be confounded, ( Isaiah 1.7 ) .

Verses 32-37 The disciples loved one another. This was the blessed fruit of Christ's dying precept to his disciples, and his dying prayer for them. Thus it was then, and it will be so again, when the Spirit shall be poured upon us from on high. The doctrine preached was the resurrection of Christ; a matter of fact, which being duly explained, was a summary of all the duties, privileges, and comforts of Christians. There were evident fruits of Christ's grace in all they said and did. They were dead to this world. This was a great evidence of the grace of God in them. They did not take away others' property, but they were indifferent to it. They did not call it their own; because they had, in affection, forsaken all for Christ, and were expecting to be stripped of all for cleaving to him. No marvel that they were of one heart and soul, when they sat so loose to the wealth of this world. In effect, they had all things common; for there was not any among them who lacked, care was taken for their supply. The money was laid at the apostles' feet. Great care ought to be taken in the distribution of public charity, that it be given to such as have need, such as are not able to procure a maintenance for themselves; those who are reduced to want for well-doing, and for the testimony of a good conscience, ought to be provided for. Here is one in particular mentioned, remarkable for this generous charity; it was Barnabas. As one designed to be a preacher of the gospel, he disentangled himself from the affairs of this life. When such dispositions prevail, and are exercised according to the circumstances of the times, the testimony will have very great power upon others.

Atos 4 Commentaries

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