Isaías 11

1 Então brotará um rebento do toco de Jessé, e das suas raízes um renovo frutificará.
2 E repousará sobre ele o Espírito do Senhor, o espírito de sabedoria e de entendimento, o espírito de conselho e de fortaleza, o espírito de conhecimento e de temor do Senhor.
3 E deleitar-se-á no temor do Senhor; e não julgará segundo a vista dos seus olhos, nem decidirá segundo o ouvir dos seus ouvidos;
4 mas julgará com justiça os pobres, e decidirá com eqüidade em defesa dos mansos da terra; e ferirá a terra com a vara de sua boca, e com o sopro dos seus lábios matará o ímpio.
5 A justiça será o cinto dos seus lombos, e a fidelidade o cinto dos seus rins.
6 Morará o lobo com o cordeiro, e o leopardo com o cabrito se deitará; e o bezerro, e o leão novo e o animal cevado viverão juntos; e um menino pequeno os conduzirá.
7 A vaca e a ursa pastarão juntas, e as suas crias juntas se deitarão; e o leão comerá palha como o boi.
8 A criança de peito brincará sobre a toca da áspide, e a desmamada meterá a sua mão na cova do basilisco.
9 Não se fará mal nem dano algum em todo o meu santo monte; porque a terra se encherá do conhecimento do Senhor, como as águas cobrem o mar.
10 Naquele dia a raiz de Jessé será posta por estandarte dos povos, � qual recorrerão as nações; gloriosas lhe serão as suas moradas.
11 Naquele dia o Senhor tornará a estender a sua mão para adquirir outra vez e resto do seu povo, que for deixado, da Assíria, do Egito, de Patros, da Etiópia, de Elão, de Sinar, de Hamate, e das ilhas de mar.
12 Levantará um pendão entre as nações e ajuntará os desterrados de Israel, e es dispersos de Judá congregará desde os quatro confins da terra.
13 Também se esvaecerá a inveja de Efraim, e os vexadores de Judá serão desarraigados; Efraim não invejará a Judá e Judá não vexará a Efraim.
14 Antes voarão sobre os ombros des filisteus ao Ocidente; juntos despojarão aos filhos do Oriente; em Edom e Moabe porão as suas mãos, e os filhos de Amom lhes obedecerão.
15 E o Senhor destruirá totalmente a língua do mar do Egito; e vibrará a sua mão contra o Rio com o seu vento abrasador, e, ferindo- o, dividi-lo-á em sete correntes, e fará que por ele passem a pé enxuto.
16 Assim haverá caminho plano para e restante do seu povo, que voltar da Assíria, como houve para Israel no dia em que subiu da terra do Egito.

Isaías 11 Commentary

Chapter 11

The peaceful character of Christ's kingdom and subjects. (1-9) The conversion of the Gentiles and Jews. (10-16)

Verses 1-9 The Messiah is called a Rod, and a Branch. The words signify a small, tender product; a shoot, such as is easily broken off. He comes forth out of the stem of Jesse; when the royal family was cut down and almost levelled with the ground, it would sprout again. The house of David was brought very low at the time of Christ's birth. The Messiah thus gave early notice that his kingdom was not of this world. But the Holy Spirit, in all his gifts and graces, shall rest and abide upon him; he shall have the fulness of the Godhead dwelling in him, ( Colossians 1:19 , Colossians 2:9 ) . Many consider that seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are here mentioned. And the doctrine of the influences of the Holy Spirit is here clearly taught. The Messiah would be just and righteous in all his government. His threatening shall be executed by the working of his Spirit according to his word. There shall be great peace and quiet under his government. The gospel changes the nature, and makes those who trampled on the meek of the earth, meek like them, and kind to them. But it shall be more fully shown in the latter days. Also Christ, the great Shepherd, shall take care of his flock, that the nature of troubles, and of death itself, shall be so changed, that they shall not do any real hurt. God's people shall be delivered, not only from evil, but from the fear of it. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? The better we know the God of love, the more shall we be changed into the same likeness, and the better disposed to all who have any likeness to him. This knowledge shall extend as the sea, so far shall it spread. And this blessed power there have been witnesses in every age of Christianity, though its most glorious time, here foretold, is not yet arrived. Meanwhile let us aim that our example and endeavours may help to promote the honour of Christ and his kingdom of peace.

Verses 10-16 When the gospel should be publicly preached, the Gentiles would seek Christ Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, and find rest of soul. When God's time is come for the deliverance of his people, mountains of opposition shall become plains before him. God can soon turn gloomy days into glorious ones. And while we expect the Lord to gather his ancient people, and bring them home to his church, also to bring in the fulness of the Gentiles, when all will be united in holy love, let us tread the highway of holiness he has made for his redeemed. Let us wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life, looking to him to prepare our way through death, that river which separates this world from the eternal world.

Chapter Summary


This chapter is a prophecy of the Messiah, and gives an account of his descent, as man; of his qualifications for his office, as a Judge and King; of his performance of it; of the peaceableness of his kingdom; of the spread of it among the Gentiles, by the preaching of the Gospel; and of the last and general conversion of the Jews. His original and descent from David the son of Jesse, under the titles of a rod and branch, is described as mean and obscure, expressed by stem and roots, Isa 11:1 his gifts and qualifications for his work, in general and particular, Isa 11:2 the performance of it, both with respect to good men and bad men, in the fear of the Lord, with all equity, righteousness, and readiness, Isa 11:3-5 the peaceableness of his kingdom is figuratively expressed, by the agreement of savage and tame creatures, the former becoming the latter, and so losing their malignant and hurtful nature, through the efficacy of the Gospel, spreading the knowledge of Christ all over the world, Isa 11:6-9 particularly among the Gentiles, comparable to those savage creatures, who, upon the exhibition of Christ in the Gospel; should seek to him, and find rest in him, Isa 11:10 which will be followed or accompanied with a collection of the Jews out of all lands, and the conversion of them, which will be brought about by the power and grace of God, all impediments being by him removed out of the way; the consequences of which will be, peace among themselves, and obedience among the Gentiles, Isa 11:11-16.

Isaías 11 Commentaries

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