Jeremias 12:8

8 Tornou-se a minha herança para mim como leão numa floresta; levantou a sua voz contra mim, por isso eu a odeio.

Jeremias 12:8 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 12:8

Mine heritage is unto me as a lion in the forest
Which roars, and terrifies passengers from going that way; and which rends and tears in pieces all it meets with. This expresses the clamours of these people against God and his providences, and their rage, fierceness, and cruelty, against his prophets, sent in his name. It crieth out against me;
this is to be understood not of the cry of the oppressed through violence, for this is a cry to God, and not against him; or of idolaters to idols, as Baal's prophets to him, in the time of their service; which senses are mentioned by Kimchi: but either of their charging God with inequality and injustice, in the ways of his providence; or their blaspheming his name, and speaking ill of his ministry Therefore have I hated it;
which he showed by leaving his house, forsaking his heritage, and delivering his people into the hands of their enemies; the reason of which was not in himself, but them; the fault was not his, but theirs; this is all to be understood of the change in the dispensation of the divine Providence towards them; otherwise the love of God to his chosen in Christ is unchangeable; it is never turned into hatred, but remains invariably the same, as it did to those, among these people; who belonged to the election of grace; for, as the love before expressed to this people in general only respects external favours and privileges, which they were indulged with above all people; so this hatred of them signifies the taking away of such favours, and leaving them to become a prey to their enemies.

Jeremias 12:8 In-Context

6 Pois até os teus irmãos, e a casa de teu pai, eles mesmos se houveram aleivosamente contigo; eles mesmos clamam após ti em altas vozes. Não te fies neles, ainda que te digam coisas boas.
7 Desamparei a minha casa, abandonei a minha herança; entreguei a amada da minha alma na mão de seus inimigos.
8 Tornou-se a minha herança para mim como leão numa floresta; levantou a sua voz contra mim, por isso eu a odeio.
9 Acaso é para mim a minha herança como uma ave de rapina de varias cores? Andam as aves de rapina contra ela em redor? Ide, pois, ajuntai a todos os animais do campo, trazei-os para a devorarem.
10 Muitos pastores destruíram a minha vinha, pisaram o meu quinhão; tornaram em desolado deserto o meu quinhão aprazível.
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