3 Questions All Christians Should Ask about Artificial Intelligence

Contributing Writer
3 Questions All Christians Should Ask about Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) marked a monumental step in our technological advances at the turn of the twenty-first century. All of a sudden, movies such as The Terminator and The Matrix didn’t seem so far-fetched after all. Artificial Intelligence has been integrated into our culture at an alarming rate, and we are only beginning to come to terms with the reverberating repercussions.

Out of all the questions that should concern a Christian regarding AI,  this one takes the top of the list. The summary of God’s design for the Christians life is love (Matthew 22:35-40). Personal sacrifice lies at the heart of authentic love (Luke 7:36-50) and productivity and efficiency are not automatically virtues in God’s eyes. Why? Because He desires His own image to be reflected out of the love which emanates from a person’s own efforts and toils. What delights Him is the loving sacrifice which flows out of a person’s heart for the sake of others. This sacred call to love can quickly diminish when we resort to the workings of machinery and computers simply because they are more efficient and easier.

Think about it. Which do you think is more pleasing to God? A heart-felt letter sent to a friend that took an hour to write, or an AI-generated letter that took seconds and merely mimics one’s personality at best? Technology may create greater efficiency, but it cannot change the nature of love. Every Christian wrestling with AI should ask themselves if they are working hard and giving of themselves to love others as God desires. If we’re not careful with AI, technological pragmatism could easily replace God’s call for Christians to labor in love for each other.

Touching on the same vein, Christians should also recognize the vital place for personal relationships. Part of being made in God’s image is our design as relational beings. God made us for relationships. Our most important relationship is the one we have with God, but secondly, we are made to have relationships with other people. Love requires relationship. No matter how effective AI may be, whenever Christians allow the workings of AI to diminish their relationships, they diminish God’s intended design for their life.

Artificial Intelligence has become incredibly personable and can mimic human conversation quite well. Christians must remain guarded and ask themselves if they are allowing AI to replace and reduce the relationships in their life.

God desires His image to be reflected in people. Artificial Intelligence has tremendous potential and can be used for good or evil. Christians must remember we are not called to a life of luxury and ease, but rather, God calls us to work hard and labor in love to build His kingdom. There’s nothing wrong with utilizing technology to assist with the tedious difficulties of life, but whenever a believer stops living their life and allows a machine or computer to live life for them, they’ve lost sight of their sacred calling to reflect God’s image in their life. This can only be done by actively using the gifts and abilities that flow out of one’s personhood.

As believers find a place for AI, they must ask, Am I using AI to clear away the clutter, or is it living my life for me?

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Poca Wander Stock

Stephen Baker headshotStephen Baker serves as the Associate Pastor at Faith Fellowship Church in Minerva, OH where he is discipled by pastor Chet Howes. He is currently a student at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the writer of a special Scripture study/reflection addendum to Someplace to Be Somebody, authored by his wife, Lisa Loraine Baker (End Game Press Spring 2022).