4 Ways All Christians Must Redefine Success

Contributing Writer
4 Ways All Christians Must Redefine Success

Recently, an artist from a very successful worship group parted ways with them. I am intentionally leaving the names out because I want to focus on the substance; I don’t want this to just be another gossipy type of article. What caught my attention in the story were two quotes that were posted on this person’s Instagram account, which I will share with you now.

If you read verse 22 by itself, there are people rattling off a list of things they accomplished. Prophesying, driving out demons and even performing many miracles in Jesus’ name. If success is solely defined by what you do, then clearly these people are successful. And yet Jesus sends them away, even calling them evildoers.

When you look at these verses, you see God measures success by one major factor. Did you do what he asked you to do? God never judges us by the results which is an output. God judges us by our obedience which is an input. Our responsibility is to do what God has asked us to do, to the best of our ability, with the help of the Holy Spirit, and leave the results to him. 

It could be the pastor with the small church who is making disciples and helping people grow in their relationship with Jesus is more successful than the church down the street that is using every marketing trick in the book to get people into their building. Jesus told us to make disciples. He never told us to fill buildings. Again, there is nothing wrong with a full building, but if the endgame is not about making disciples, then it really doesn’t matter. In that instance, we become no different from the ones standing before Jesus in Matthew 7.

In the quote earlier by the artist, they mentioned the platform of success they enjoy. This is another way we become victim to the trappings of success. Success in not about how you start or even how far you get along the way. You are unsuccessful if you don’t finish well. Paul said this:

Success is all about finishing well. Think of Jesus’ life for a moment. He performed many miracles and at points had great crowds following him, which by today’s standards would make him highly successful. However, what made Jesus’ ministry on earth a success was he completed his mission, which was the cross. Had Jesus done all the things he did, but never went to the cross, he would not have been a success because he did not finish the course and fulfill the plan of the Father. As you think about success, note it doesn’t happen at the halfway point – it happens at the finish line. In recent memory, just think of those who’s lifetime of work was all but washed away because they didn’t finish well.

Whatever you are striving for today, please examine your heart. I am talking to myself as well. Don’t be driven by numbers alone. While they are important, affecting people’s lives is far greater. Most importantly, make sure you are doing what God wants you to do and do that until you breathe your last breath. 

You don’t win the race because you start, you win because you finish. My prayer is we would all find contentment in accomplishing God’s will for our lives, not for any amount of fame or fortune in this life which will all pass away, anyway. Let it be for his glory and his kingdom, which will last forever. Doing his will, his way, for his kingdom, and for his glory that sounds a lot like success to me.

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Clarence Haynes 1200x1200Clarence L. Haynes Jr. is a speaker, Bible teacher, and co-founder of The Bible Study Club.  He is the author of The Pursuit of Purpose which will help you understand how God leads you into his will. His most recent book is The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. This book will teach you how to put the pieces together so you can live a victorious Christian life and finally become the man or woman of God that you truly desire to be. Clarence is also committed to helping 10,000 people learn how to study the Bible and has just released his first Bible study course called Bible Study Basics. To learn more about his ministry please visit clarencehaynes.com