God Instructs Sinners in the Way We Should Go

God Instructs Sinners in the Way We Should Go

“Consider my affliction and my trouble, and forgive all my sins” (Psalm 25:18). Commenting on this verse, Augustine writes, “Forgive all my sins, not those only of youth and my ignorance before I believed, but those also which, living now by faith, I commit through infirmity, or the darkness of this life.”

Only the Lord can rescue us from our troubles. For, only He can pluck our feet out of the net. His truths delivered to our hearts speak the way we should go. Counterintuitively, when our feet are caught, we are not to look down at them but up to Him (Psalm 25:15). We look to the God of steadfast love and faithfulness who keeps His people (Psalm 25:10)—pulling us in with love while tending to our sins as a gentle friend so that we can walk in newness of truth and life.

The Bible certainly teaches against identifying sin as the certain, direct cause of every trial. To make such assumptions incorrectly can be damaging to a soul. Yet, God seemingly does often pursue the purity of our hearts through the afflictions of our souls. We might pray for trouble to be removed from our lives. But, in applicable cases, praise God that He does not remove the trouble of our lives until we understand the underlying sin(s) from which it comes.

Affliction churns, trouble arises, and sin remains—when these are true of us, we do well to question, “What path of integrity have I yet to pursue?” The psalmist praises God for instruction that changes the direction of his feet. He praises God for correction. May we shudder at the reverse: at any thought of wanting His peace without His instruction, of throwing ourselves onto His mercy without seeking His truth.

No. Instead, we look up with feet caught to God. And His rescue is full, complete, and good. Those whose guilt has been oh so great (Psalm 25:11) can know the friendship of the Lord (Psalm 25:14) and have souls that abide in well-being (Psalm 25:13). His welcome is sure; He does not refuse us Himself or the peace of a life that resides nearer to Him.

Psalm 25:16 speaks of an entry point I have found to the path of integrity: “Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.” Think of God’s goodness to accept that prayer! And think: can’t we all offer it—can’t anyone at all? I have troubles in my soul, and I am lonely of heart—God would you turn to me and be gracious to me? The basis for our request is simply personal need, and the path on which He stands ready to take us is the truth.  

He is a very kind Teacher, sending protection, help, understanding, and the truth in those measures at which we can receive it. He forgives, over and over. The humble have no reason to be afraid to come to God.

So, for the one who has affliction and trouble with a path of integrity beckoning you, do not wait or duck. Do not think your hurt heart is outside the applicability of your Creator’s love. Do not neglect the help of others to guide you along the good path. Do not think pain excuses the sin or makes the path of uprightness irrelevant or unneedful. Do not insulate yourself with pride—for, not the prideful, but the humble, are taught His ways, have His friendship, and dwell in well-being. Do not be afraid to come near the God who will be gracious with you.

Correction can bear an unpleasantness. Yet, receive it and you too will praise Him for it—like the psalmist. Wait to pursue the way of integrity and you will have a path containing compromise of the truth with which to contend. But step into the path of integrity and wait for Him there for each next step. Even as you contend with the sins of your soul and the sins of others against you, wait on the Lord for uprightness, and you will not be put to shame (Psalm 25:3). His correction is our good; God is willing to be faithful and loving toward us through the instruction of sinners in the way.

Schaff, Philip, ed. Saint Augustin: Expositions on the Book of Psalms. Vol. 8. A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, First Series. New York: Christian Literature Company, 1888.

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Photo credit: Unsplash/Luis Alberto Sanchez Terrones

Lianna Davis is author of Keeping the Faith: A Study in Jude and Made for a Different Land: Eternal Hope for Baby Loss. She is also a contributor to We Evangelicals and Our Mission with Cascade Books. Lianna is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and a student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She lives in Illinois with her husband and daughter. You can learn more about her writing at her website.