He Who Has No Money, Come and Buy
What is the invitation of God that is extended to us?
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We come before the Father, and believe—“Nothing in me or of me I bring, but here, I come claiming Christ. You have said that You will accept me through Him. And you do.”
For anyone who would believe, God has given us the right to become one with the Son—to become His children (John 1:12). He gives the right to buy—it is all grace. He enacts the oneness through His power—it is all grace. We receive the One whose righteousness and goodness satisfied God’s wrath and satisfied needy us—it is all grace. And He pervades us with His perfect holiness, goodness, and righteousness so that we are acceptable to the Father—it is all grace.
In Christ, then, we become wealthy in our spirits. We don’t claim our works for our standing before the Father, but Christ’s. We come to our Lord for more and more, coming again and again in our need. “I claim Christ, once again!” And we eat. “I claim Christ again today.” And we have the riches of God as our own. “I thirst.” And we come to the waters of God by which we are given our reason to never thirst again.
Have we been drinking from other wells? God tells us to seek Him, to return to Him:
If you are alive to read these words as one who has been far from the Lord, you are beckoned to return. Have you misused a decade of your life, or a lifetime? He will abundantly pardon. Have you wasted countless opportunities to return to Him, and overlooked His warnings? He will yet have compassion.
Does this grace make no sense to you? Then trust that His ways are not yours; his ways are higher. His grace is incalculable by human means. Believe Him, believe that His Word is true—He cannot lie—and call upon Him while He is near. Forsake your wicked way. Turn from your unrighteous thoughts. Forsake and turn in favor of Christ, high and lifted up—your King of glory, who may in this day be found. Have faith in Him.
Cast aside your means of empty earnings. Come to the waters. Buy with an empty bank account and without any contribution or work. Open your hands before Him with faith in Jesus Christ, and He will grant you right to buy—that you may eat and drink.
Matthew Henry writes,
“We must buy the truth, not that we may lay it by to be looked at, but that we may feed and feast upon it, and that the spiritual life may be nourished and strengthened by it. We must buy necessary provisions for our souls, be willing to part with any thing, though ever so dear to us, so that we may but have Christ and his graces and comforts. We must part with sin, because it is an opposition to Christ, part with all opinion of our own righteousness, as standing in competition with Christ, and part with life itself, and its most necessary supports, rather than quit our interest in Christ. And, when we have bought what we need, let us not deny ourselves the comfortable use of it, but enjoy it.”[1]
So come that your soul may live in the abundance of Jesus; he who has no money, come and buy.
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/kenzaza
Lianna Davis is author of Keeping the Faith: A Study in Jude and Made for a Different Land: Eternal Hope for Baby Loss. She is also a contributor to We Evangelicals and Our Mission with Cascade Books. Lianna is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and a student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She lives in Illinois with her husband and daughter. You can learn more about her writing at her website.