How Should We Respond When Leaders Are Caught in Sin?

Contributing Writer
How Should We Respond When Leaders Are Caught in Sin?

Recently there was a video that came out that shared a heated conversation between Kirk Franklin and his estranged son. His son decided to record this conversation and needless to say there were some words exchanged and language used that was very inappropriate. For some reason his son decided to release this video to the world, which brings us to this point today. When videos like these or information comes out how should you respond to them? Today it is Kirk Franklin, tomorrow it will be someone else.

2. The Way of Grace

The other response is the way of grace. Notice what Jesus did. He made a statement that literally stopped this group of people ready to stone this woman in their tracks.

This is sobering, and this brings us to the way I believe we should handle this situation. Look at yourself first. I will admit it is easy to say what you should and shouldn’t do when you are not in the situation. However, haven’t we all said or done things that if they were caught on camera and broadcast to the world would bring us shame, ridicule, and embarrassment? Is there anyone who would volunteer to have all their secret moments recorded and shown to the world? My guess is probably not.

I would add that there are some of you who have done things that might even cause people to question if you are a Christian at all. That’s why Jesus’ words are so profound. Before you look to throw the stone at someone else, stop and think about all the stones that could have been thrown at you. Again I am not saying we don’t hold leaders accountable because we should, because again leaders have a higher calling. What I am saying is let’s not be quick to pick up the stones.

Kirk Franklin clearly is in a bad situation and some of his “business” got exposed. Our response to him should be like Jesus’ response to the woman. He said I don’t condemn you. Jesus’ goal and desire was not to destroy the woman but to restore the woman. This is what our desire should be for Kirk Franklin. Consider the words of the Apostle Paul.

I love what Paul wrote here because he is saying restore them, but be careful because we are not much better and could fall into the same temptation. These are wise and sobering words.

Photo credit: Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez

At this point in his life, Kirk Franklin is probably wounded. It is in moments like these where he needs the support of the body of Christ, not the rejection. Yes, he needs to be accountable for his actions, but accountability doesn’t mean we throw him away. It means we correct and as Paul said restore him. This is what Jesus did with the woman, and if we are honest this is what he does with us. Let’s apply grace in this situation, because if the roles are reversed and you are on the other side, grace is what you would be looking for.

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Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Siphotography

Clarence Haynes 1200x1200Clarence L. Haynes Jr. is a speaker, Bible teacher, and co-founder of The Bible Study Club.  He is the author of The Pursuit of Purpose which will help you understand how God leads you into his will. His most recent book is The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. This book will teach you how to put the pieces together so you can live a victorious Christian life and finally become the man or woman of God that you truly desire to be. Clarence is also committed to helping 10,000 people learn how to study the Bible and has just released his first Bible study course called Bible Study Basics. To learn more about his ministry please visit