Thank God for Your Foundation of Hope

Thank God for Your Foundation of Hope

What is the basis for Christian unity? What is the basis for being able to correct another believer doctrinally? What is the foundation of love and faith in the Christian life? Paul answers all of these questions in the beginning of his letter to the church at Colossae.

Because Paul and his fellow believers at Colossae had a strong foundation of hope — with evidence he could hear about — he is solidified in his union with them through Christ.

Paul’s Connection with the Church at Colossae

Paul uses this expression of prayer-filled thanks to establish his unity with the church at Colossae. He would be writing to warn against heresy creeping into the church. But at this juncture, He is establishing truths about the faith, love, and hope that are basic to the Christian message. He heard about this church’s faith through Epaphras, not being a church that he planted. But he had thanksgiving-filled unity with this church nonetheless because of the message of the gospel.

Paul’s Connection with All Churches

With thanks, Paul indicates that the message of the gospel was spreading throughout the world — and not only through Paul’s ministry. What joy that these Christians could receive a message of warning through Paul based on Christian gospel unity — and not based upon personal connection. Many could be wary to receive correction from someone not personally known, but Paul would deliver this message faithfully and with great hope that it would be received well. Through the unity of the gospel and on the basis of broad Christian unity through Jesus Christ, Paul would be proceeding with his message of correction.

As we consider Paul’s opening comments of the letter to the Colossians, we can note hope as the central theme, and basis for his commitment and unity with the church members. This commitment and unity comes from a heart that shares the indwelling of Christ through the Spirit with fellow believers. As you take these teachings to heart, think about the following application points:

1. Strengthen your understanding with conviction in the hope that you have

2. Ensure that you are loving others in the church because of the hope that you share

3. Know that your hope means your faith is in a different world, for a different life to come

4. Trust that a shared foundation of hope with other believers provides a foundation for doctrinal correction—should you ever be placed in the position of giving or receiving such correction

5. Be thankful to God for the unity of the gospel being spread throughout the world

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Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Motortion

Lianna Davis is author of Keeping the Faith: A Study in Jude and Made for a Different Land: Eternal Hope for Baby Loss. She is also a contributor to We Evangelicals and Our Mission with Cascade Books. Lianna is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and a student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She lives in Illinois with her husband and daughter. You can learn more about her writing at her website.