11 Powerful Podcasts to Help Grow Your Faith

Author of Someplace to Be Somebody
11 Powerful Podcasts to Help Grow Your Faith

We are an on-the-go culture, making quick trips to neighborhood establishments, longer drives to other cities, and even further journeys while on vacation. If conversation ebbs between travelers, or if the driver is alone, music helps the trip fly by with casual entertainment. Podcasts are also very effective if the travelers are interested in current events and other diversions.

Podcasts are not limited to drive time; sticking a pair of ear buds in while relaxing or falling asleep is a common practice. Any and every topic is available. But for Christians who live busy lives (and even those who don’t), the addition of podcasts to help grow their faith as a supplement to Bible reading is a time-redeeming blessing.

A quick glance at just the current list of top-ranked Christian podcasts offers 249 selections. That’s a lot of choices. A Christian must be discerning, however, and not everything listed as Christian is true to the orthodox teachings of God’s Word. Following is a list of 11 best, solidly biblical podcasts to help grow our faith, with an added bonus of three other audio resources. The list is in no particular order of importance.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Kara Gebhardt

The 11 Best Podcasts to Help Grow Our Faith

Podcast on a phone, coffee, and a keyboard

1. Open Book with Dr. Stephen Nichols


Dr. Nichols is the president of the Reformation Bible College in Sanford, Florida, chief academic officer for Ligonier Ministries, and a teaching fellow for Ligonier Ministries. His podcast, Open Book, examines books that have affected and shaped the lives of Christians who’ve read them. His series opens the door to how the Bible has influenced theologians and others to write commentaries and even an allegory such as Pilgrim’s Progress. The conversations found in the podcasts act as iron sharpening iron (Proverbs 27:17) and spur the listener to not only look more deeply into the Bible but also into the lives and writings of those who have spent lifetimes teaching its tenets.

2. Truth Tribe

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Hosted by Douglas Groothuis, (Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary), Truth Tribe helps students of the Bible defend their faith through apologetics, reason, and evidence which sustains our beliefs, using the Bible as his first and best source. Dr. Groothuis speaks to current cultural and social issues and uses the Bible as his source for truth and reason.

3. The Land and the Book


Old Testament scholar Dr. Charlie Dyer and host Jon Gauger discuss current-day Israel, ancient Israel and the events that took place then and are taking place now. Dr. Dyer has made numerous trips to Israel and lends his expertise as discussions include topics such as a “walking tour of the Gospels,” a look at the story of Ruth, and missional stories to help Christians love as Christ loves.

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4. The Crosswalk Devotional

headphones with a heart

Salem Web Network

A short daily devotional that applies the Bible’s wisdom to life’s everyday needs. Recent episodes cover God’s love through our kindness, casting our cares upon Jesus, and remembering the Lord in our (career and home) work.

5. The Bible Study with Steven Lawson

One Passion Ministries

Steven Lawson is the founder of OnePassion Ministries, which he says “exists to ignite a supreme passion for God and His glory in all people throughout the world.” The Bible Study is a livestreamed in-depth, verse-by-verse study of the Bible, probably the most seminary-like podcast in this list. Each week, Pastor Lawson helps to equip and teach students of the Bible.

6. Your Daily Bible Verse

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Five biblical mentors delve daily into Scripture and examine the deep messages of God’s Word. The speakers look at favorite verses and exegete them and as one host, Jennifer Slattery says, learn “more about God and His love for us.”

7. Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul


The late Dr. R.C. Sproul was the founder of Ligonier Ministries and the Reformation Bible College. The podcast website states, “In Romans 12:2, the Apostle Paul tells Christians to ‘be transformed by the renewal of your mind.’ That is the aim of this podcast and radio broadcast. We’re committed to faithfully presenting the unvarnished truth of Scripture, helping you to know what you believe, why you believe it, how to live it, and how to share it.” Pastor Sproul is an engaging storyteller who deftly weaves the truth of Scripture in inspiring lessons for Bible students of any maturity.

8. Paul Tripp 

Paul David Tripp is a pastor, author, and conference speaker who seeks to “connect the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life.” His themes include all books of the Bible and how to apply its lessons, portraits of Christians who are impacting the world for Christ, and our Christian lifestyles.

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9. Ask Pastor John

senior walking listening to bible on headphones

Pastor John Piper has been in ministry since 1980, and he pastored Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota for almost 33 years. In this podcast, Pastor Piper augustly answers even the toughest questions about the Bible and Christian life.

The Desiring God website tells us, “You were made to know glory — God’s glory. And the deepest longings of the human heart can be fully satisfied by pursuing that glory. In fact, God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.”

10. Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee

If there exist any godly icons in Christian circles, J. Vernon McGee’s Thru the Bible podcast would qualify (although he would humbly eschew the title). Pastor McGee, who died in 1988, began teaching the Bible on the radio in 1941—over eighty years ago. His teachings have endured through the podcast, and listeners are invited onto the Bible Bus to hear Pastor McGee teach through each book of the Bible in his trademark folksy yet authoritative style.

11. Truth for Life with Pastor Alistair Begg

On the air since 1995, Pastor Alistair Begg of Parkside Church near Cleveland, Ohio, shares solid biblical exposition in his native Scottish brogue. Pastor Begg is very relational and even funny at times with his analogies, yet his teaching stands firmly on Scripture.

The podcast website notes, “The biblical, expositional teaching of Alistair Begg is internationally known as an inspiring source for clear, relevant instruction rooted firmly in Scripture. Studying God’s Word each day, verse by verse, is the hallmark of Truth For Life’s ministry.”

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Photodjo

Other Formidable Audio Resources to Help You Grow Your Faith

Person putting on headphones while watching the sunset

Audio Bibles are another way our on-the-go culture can get a daily dose of Scripture.

The ESV Bible (Dramatized) brings a dramatic element to the Bible with approximately 180 different characters, a digital sound track and full sound effects.

While not podcasts, the following teachers will help people grow their faith via audio messages:

Mark Dever

Mark is senior pastor of the Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC. A renowned biblical scholar, teacher, and writer, pastor Dever is the president of 9Marks, an organization devoted to “equipping church leaders with a biblical vision and practical resources for building healthy churches.” In addition to expositional preaching, Pastor Dever teaches the biblical mandates for a healthy church.

Paul Washer 

Pastor Paul Washer, founder of the HeartCry Missionary Society, states their goal is, “dedicated to the advancement of the Great Commission throughout the world.” Pastor Washer faithfully teaches God’s Word and its strong applications for life and ministry.

Tim Conway

Tim is a missionary/pastor of Grace Community Church in San Antonio, Texas. He is never arrogant as he shares God’s Word and strongly relates how we are to respond to it as Christ-followers.

As Christians, we are to never stop growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus. We thank God for pastors and others who seek His glory by sharing His Word through podcasts and other audio and video resources. I pray this list of audio resources helps grow your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/FTiare

Lisa Baker 1200x1200Lisa Loraine Baker is the multiple award-winning author of Someplace to be Somebody. She writes fiction and nonfiction. In addition to writing for the Salem Web Network, Lisa serves as a Word Weavers’ mentor and is part of a critique group. She also is a member of BRRC. Lisa and her husband, Stephen, a pastor, live in a small Ohio village with their crazy cat, Lewis.