5 Creative Ways to Refresh Your Bible Reading This Summer

5 Creative Ways to Refresh Your Bible Reading This Summer

After I read two or three familiar bible verses and closed my Bible during my morning devotional time, I prayed and started my day. While I enjoy starting my day in God’s Word to revitalize and encourage me, sometimes Bible reading becomes another line item to check-off on my never-ending to-do list. The hurried rhythms of my life often crowd Bible reading into a neat little corner, where I must work extremely hard to focus and listen to God speak.

As I mature and navigate various life seasons, I recognize that it is important to get creative in how I spend time with God, study His Word, and grow in Him. God is diverse and dynamic, and He invites us to worship Him and seek His Word in fresh ways!

The Bible is full of wisdom, stories, promises, and commands for the believer to help encourage us and guide us daily. Whether you are a new believer in Christ or have been walking with the Lord for several years, reading the Bible can become routine and ritualistic. Oftentimes, it is easy to lose sight of the transformative power of God’s Word for our lives and how it applies to our daily circumstances.

There is not a “right” way to read the Bible, and there are always opportunities to start fresh. If you are struggling to find motivation and new purpose when you open the Bible, here are five creative ways to refresh your Bible reading this summer:

1. Join a Summer Bible Study

Joining an in-person or online summer Bible study is a wonderful way for you to refresh your Bible reading with others in community. There are topical Bible studies, or studies that focus on one book of the Bible at a time.

During a 3-, 6-, or 8-week study, you have an opportunity to explore various Scriptures and stories, ask questions, share personal insights, and discuss how the Bible applies to your daily life. Another added benefit of Bible study is that a study guide or discussion questions are usually provided for participants that can be used for further personal reflection and study.

In addition to reading the Bible in community, I have found it extremely encouraging to listen to others sharing their personal joys and challenges. Hearing related stories from others reassures and reminds us that we are not alone.

Today, I invite you to join a summer Bible study at your local church, or search online for various topical bible studies. You will be glad you did!

2. Read the Bible Outdoors

Reading the Bible outdoors is another creative way to refresh your usual Bible reading routine. Getting fresh air and sunshine often boosts our mood, lifts our spirits, and helps us to hear from God in refreshing ways. God is present in nature and creation. As we navigate our busy lives, we miss the beauty of God’s creation, and the many creative ways He speaks to us.

When you are outside, I invite you to read and meditate on one or two verses that edify and encourage your soul. A change of scenery also helps to break up the monotony of your daily habits. Turn off your devices to minimize distractions, so that you can read the Bible and listen to how God is speaking to you. You can read the Bible outdoors individually or make it a wonderful bonding time with family.

Today, I invite you to ask God for fresh insight, revelation, and wisdom as you study the Bible outdoors and enjoy God’s creation. 

3. Journal

As you read the Bible, journaling is a terrific way to highlight how God’s Word is speaking to you. You can write down favorite verses, key points from stories, and encouragement from God’s promises. Journaling also helps you to reflect and revisit how the Scripture applies to your life. When you need encouragement and a reminder of God’s faithfulness, you can re-read your previous journal entries for examples of God’s consistency.

Journaling is also a wonderful way to write down the numerous ways and reasons you are grateful to God. Whatever season or circumstance you may be in, the great news is that there is always a biblical character’s story or struggle you can relate to. As you journal your thoughts as you read, you will find many more similarities than differences of how God moved in the lives of biblical characters, and how He moves in our lives as well. 

4. Listen to a Bible App

If you are an auditory learner, listening to the Bible on an app is a fantastic way to stay engaged as an alternative to reading. God’s Word can come alive in new and refreshing ways as we listen. 

In addition, listening to the Bible on an app is an exciting way to let Scripture meditate in your heart. God does not want us to limit ourselves on how we grow deeper in our relationship with Him, which also includes how we read God’s Word. When we read or listen to God’s Word in an app, it allows us to access it anywhere at any time.

Hearing God’s Word provides powerful impact and gives us life-giving strength and encouragement for our lives and the lives of others. 

5. Read with a Friend

Reading the Bible with a friend is another refreshing way to stay connected with God and grow in God’s Word together. As you both read the Bible, you can support one another by praying God’s Word aloud, memorizing Scripture, and sharing how God’s Word resonates with you. During those times when you may find it difficult or not feel motivated to read your Bible, having a trusted friend to come alongside and encourage you to do so is extremely helpful. 

Another benefit of reading and studying the Bible with a friend is that you both can grow together in Christ and with community. Set a weekly or bi-weekly time to read, discuss, and check in. If you miss a time, give yourself grace and reconvene at another time. Studying God’s Word together with a trusted friend re-energizes and uplifts your spirit, while keeping you connected.

Get Creative

The Bible is God’s gift to us and provides us with incredible stories of faith, hope, redemption, and examples of God moving in the lives of ordinary people. Reading the Bible should be life-giving, not draining. As we continue to grow and mature in our relationship with Him, it is important to be creative in how we read and study His Word.

Be open to innovative ways to read, learn and allow God’s Word to speak life into your spirit. When you experience static seasons of reading God’s Word, do not be discouraged and give up. Pray for fresh energy, revelation knowledge, and a desire to stay connected to Him. Join a Bible study, change your reading environment, read, or listen in a Bible app, or study with a close friend. These are just a few suggestions that I invite you to try, but add others that will reinvigorate you. 

Invite God’s presence and Word into every area of your life, because God is always speaking to us if we pause long enough to listen. Try something new as you continue to grow in God’s Word and do what works best for you. Today, I invite you to read and meditate on God’s Word with a refreshed set of eyes, and allow His wisdom and guidance to transform you and your life. God does not want us to remain stuck. He always provides a new opportunity for His children to be renewed again in Him. 

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Kara Gebhardt

Kirstyn Mayden is a Christian blogger who writes devotionals that empower and equip believers in their everyday lives. She is a wife, Mom, and loves Jesus. She has a Master of Divinity degree from Emory University in Atlanta, GA. For the last 20 years, Kirstyn has served in several ministry capacities. She has a passion to serve with women empowering them to grow and live out their God-given purpose. Currently, she serves alongside her husband in ministry in West Virginia. She is the author of Merciful Moments: A Devotional Journal for Moving Forward with Grace Each Day. Connect with Kirstyn’s blog here.