How Are All Things Possible with God?

How Are All Things Possible with God?

Matthew 19:26 is one of Jesus’ more astonishing statements. 

“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’”

What is He talking about? Who is He talking to? The context in which Jesus said these words – the story in which this verse is found – provides the answers. 

Jesus is telling his disciples that God can save people from their sin, though they cannot save themselves.

What Is the Context of This Verse?

In Matthew 19:16, a young man approaches Jesus and asks what good thing he can do to earn eternal life. Jesus answers that there is only One who is good. The young man does not yet see his own sinfulness, so Jesus tells him that if he wants eternal life, he must obey the commandments – God’s law. 

The man has the audacity to ask, “Which ones?” His desire to obey doesn’t come from a love for God but from a desire to earn heaven. He wants to know exactly how much he must obey to cross the line into eternal life. Ever patient, Jesus lists six commandments:

- Do not murder

- Do not commit adultery

- Do not steal

- Do not give false testimony

- Honor your father and mother

- Love your neighbor as yourself

In pride or ignorance, the young man declares that he has always kept all these commandments. But he knows he is still lacking something. Jesus gently points out his love of money by saying, “Go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” 

The rich man went away sad, because he was not willing to part with his great wealth. Jesus had revealed the man’s sin out of love, so that he could see his need of a savior. But the young man would not turn from his pride or his love of material things.

Jesus turns to his disciples and remarks that it is terribly hard for the wealthy to enter the kingdom of God. He emphasizes just how difficult it is by using an old saying – “It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.” The disciples are shocked, dumbfounded.  Jesus is saying that it is nearly impossible for a rich man, with all his advantages, to be right with God? Then what hope do the poor have? 

For that matter, if being part of God’s kingdom hinges on obeying all the commandments perfectly AND not loving money, who on earth would qualify? The disciples see clearly what the rich man could not. None of us can earn eternal life. We have all broken God’s law, and most of us crave material things and financial security more than we long for Jesus.

“Who then can be saved?” they ask Jesus. 

Jesus does not water down the truth or try to make them feel better. He affirms their understanding of the situation, “With men this is impossible,” then reassures them, “But with God, all things are possible.”

Photo credit: Unsplash/Diana Simumpande

What Does This Verse Mean?

Our sinful nature is insurmountable by human standards. The rich man knew deep in his being that his careful appearance of obedience to the law was not enough because he was still sinful. Jesus says that hate and lust are sins that lead to death just as surely as visible sins like murder or adultery (Matthew 5:21-27).

God’s kingdom is free of sin – that’s part of what makes it so glorious – and we are full of sin. We are soaked in pride and greed and selfishness from our first temper tantrum to our last bitter thought. Based on our own merit, it is absolutely impossible for us to dwell in the presence of a holy, perfect God for all of eternity.

When Jesus tells the rich man that there is only One who is good, He is talking about Himself. Being God, He was able to live a perfect human life. Even as a child, Jesus never sassed His parents or took his brother’s toy. For his entire life, every word that came out of His mouth was true. Every thought He entertained was loving and good (1 Peter 2:22).

Jesus came to earth on a mission (Mark 10:45). After living a perfect human life, He allowed Himself to be falsely accused and publicly executed. He came to bear our shame, to take our punishment. Then He rose from the dead in power, defeating sin and death forever. 

Those who believe in Jesus exchange their sin and hopelessness for His clean record and glorious reward. Blameless and pure, we then enter into a relationship with God Himself and enjoy eternal life with Him. Even more astonishing, God adopts us as His children, and we share in the inheritance of His Son, Jesus (Romans 8:17).

How Are All Things Possible with God?

Only God could overcome the power of sin and death. Only Jesus’ sacrifice could wash us clean and restore our relationship with God. 

God’s power is mind-boggling. He spoke into existence the universe and everything in it, as easily as a king might call for afternoon tea. Trees and elephants and entire galaxies burst onto the scene because God told them to. Imagine the power to call into being whatever you could think up.

All the things on earth that we view as powerful - oceans, lions, governments, you name it – are part of God’s creation and are under His control. This is how He parted the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21), shut the mouths of lions (Daniel 6:22), and directed mighty kings to do His bidding (Ezra 1:1). 

Jesus demonstrated His rule over nature when He ordered a deadly storm to cease. The howling winds and crashing waves were stilled in an instant (Matthew 8:23-27). Colossians 1:16-17 tells us that He is the One who holds all things together. There is nothing – no ruler or force, visible or invisible – outside of His authority.

person standing on rocky outcrop looking at beautiful universe, God will never leave you

Photo credit:©Getty Images/solarseven

Does This Verse Mean I Can Do Anything?

The power of God is not a blank check for us to get whatever we want in the moment. James 4:3 is a blunt rebuke about self-serving prayer, “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”

On the other hand, the apostle Paul prays that Christians would know “His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come” (Ephesians 1:19-21).

What is possible with God? 

With God, you can witness boldly and bravely (Acts 1:8).

With God, you can resist temptations and overcome addictions that look impossible to conquer (1 Corinthians 10:13).

With God, you can experience peace and contentment even in poverty or illness or isolation (Philippians 4:12-13).

With God, you can persevere through pain and loss that seem impossible to endure (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

With God, you can stand firm in your faith no matter what the enemy throws at you (Ephesians 6:10-17).

Strong Enough

There is no one too sinful or too broken to be reconciled to God, to be made clean and whole. God can restore you, make you new, and give you life eternal. 

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21).

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/spukkato

Jeannie Myers is a freelance writer enjoying the beauty of creation in the foothills of the Blue Ridge. God has blessed her with five beautiful children here on earth and two in heaven. Jeannie loves reading, camping, singing, and playing board games with her kids. Jesus has carried her through some difficult waters, and her heart's desire is for the hurting to know His love and mercy. 

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