Is an "Attitude of Gratitude" Scriptural?

Is an "Attitude of Gratitude" Scriptural?

The phrase “attitude of gratitude” has become popular. It trends across social media, workplaces, and various groups and communities. Since the world is ever changing and feels chaotic for many people, this phrase has gained momentum as a reminder that people should foster gratitude in their lives.

For Christians, this concept may sound familiar. We can look to God’s word for a better understanding of His desire for us to have grateful hearts.

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Scripture teaches that followers of Jesus should remember to give thanks in all things because that is what God wants for us. However, unlike the arbitrariness of the phrase “attitude of gratitude” coined by the world, the Bible recognizes both the suffering and joys in life. It is only through Christ’s victory on the cross that giving thanks in all things is possible. We cannot be grateful in everything in our own strength, but through the work of the Spirit in us, we are able to develop a heart that is inclined toward gratitude instead of fear, doubt, and worry.

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What Does It Mean to Have an "Attitude of Gratitude"?

silhouette of woman looking up in gratitude toward sky, how to give thanks in all things

Having an attitude of gratitude means that one chooses to intentionally express gratitude and appreciation for things in their life. Showing a sense of appreciation for the big things and the small things on a consistent basis demonstrates having an attitude of gratitude. This idea or phrase is seen in various cultures and has been relayed by different writers, thinkers, and speakers over the years. It is not a new concept, however, this phrase has gained more popularity in recent times due to rising fears and stressors.

Christians can embrace this concept, but it is important to distinguish that in everything, we give thanks because Jesus has gained victory over sin and death. God wants us to have grateful hearts because when we are grateful, that enables us to remember God’s goodness, see the blessings in our life, and endure no matter what our circumstances may be. It can be helpful for believers to remember God’s faithfulness and count their blessings in tough seasons of life. This makes it possible to give thanks in everything.

Is This Biblical?

Although the Bible does not specifically mention the phrase “attitude of gratitude,” this idea definitely has biblical roots. If Christians foster a more grateful attitude, they are in line with God’s word and instruction to His beloved children. There is power behind this biblical principle to be thankful for everything we have and everything we go through in our lives. The Bible teaches that we are to give thanks and have a grateful heart in all things because we have been given the greatest gift – salvation through Jesus Christ!

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness” (Colossians 2:6-7).

According to God’s word, we can overflow with thankfulness because we have received Jesus. Whatever is going on in our lives or the world around us, when we keep our eyes and hearts on Jesus, we can continue to overflow with gratitude. It is God’s will for us to have thankful hearts and focus on the goodness we have because of Christ.

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What Does the Bible Say about Gratitude?

finger pointing in open Bible

There are passages throughout the Bible that talk about giving praise or thanks to God. Abraham gave thanks to God. Moses gave thanks to God. Ruth and Naomi gave thanks to God. Mary the mother of Jesus, the disciples, and the apostle Paul all gave thanks in everything to the Lord. The Bible sends a clear message that cultivating gratefulness is vital to our faith. When we turn to the book of Psalms, we see that the writers went to great lengths to praise the Lord and give thanks, regardless of their circumstances.

“Sing to the Lord with grateful praise” (Psalm 147:7).

Most of the Psalms include thanksgiving to God. The Bible says we can sing to the Lord any time with grateful praises. Scripture teaches that our circumstances do not have to keep us from giving thanks and praising the Lord. Real thankfulness is not dependent on what’s going on in our lives or how much we have. Instead, thankfulness is a response to the goodness of Jesus which will never cease.

Should We Really Be Grateful All the Time?

The Bible recognizes that life is full of ups and downs and that there is goodness and suffering alike. God understands the hard things we go through, the pain we endure, and that not all our circumstances are easy to navigate. Often, the Psalmists were going through difficulties, facing battles, or in despair. They acknowledged that they were brokenhearted, suffering, and trying to endure the sorrows of this world. Yet the Psalms are famous for including praises of thanksgiving to the Lord. They may contain a prayer of struggle, but it never ends there as the Psalmists still rejoice in the Lord.

One of the most powerful examples of giving thanks during difficult circumstances is found in the life of Job. Job was a faithful man who faced one tragedy after another. He was impacted emotionally, physically, and spiritually by the suffering he went through. Yet Job was able to express gratitude to the Lord – whether He was giving or taking.

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised” (Job 1:21).

Christians can learn a lot from Job’s life since we are guaranteed to have troubles in this life, yet God remains faithful, and will be with us every step of the way. We can give Him the thanks He deserves in all circumstances. Jesus promised that He has overcome every trouble we face (see John 16:33). That is reason enough to give thanks in all things, even the hardships!

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A Prayer Asking God to Help You Be More Grateful

Man with eyes closed in prayer

Heavenly Father,

I approach you with praise. You are a good and faithful God who loves me and takes care of me. You watch over this world and remain in control. Whatever is going on in my life, I want to be grateful. I desire to give thanks in all things. Help me to sing songs to You, Lord, with gratitude in my heart (Colossians 3:16).

Lord, help me to see past my burdens and struggles to set my heart on Your goodness in my life. Let me keep my mind on the victory in Christ and never forget that Your kingdom is unshakeable. Truly, I always have a reason to be grateful because of Jesus. I love You, Lord, and want to follow what You teach, including giving thanks in all things. Help me to be more thankful and develop a grateful heart within me.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Cultivating a grateful heart is an important thing to do as a Christian. Having an attitude of gratitude might be culturally trendy right now, but being thankful in all things has long been an important part of the Christian faith. Scripture teaches that in everything we should give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to Him. That may not always be our natural inclination when life gets tough or we feel overwhelmed, but by expressing gratitude and singing praises, our spirits will be lifted out of desperation as we put our minds on Jesus who has overcame all the troubles of this world.

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Pamela Palmer 1200x1200Pamela Palmer is a writer, speaker, and the founder of, the platform on which she produces devotionals and faith resources to inspire keeping faith at the center of life. She is in pastoral ministry and gets to share in the emotional and spiritual lives of others. She lives and thrives on Jesus, coffee, and music. She is the author of Living a Deeper Faith: Nurture Your Relationship with God and Live a Faith-Fueled Life. Pamela married the perfect man for her and they have two beautiful kiddos. She has been published on, and you can follow her at or on